Example sentences of "this at " in BNC.

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1 But he does all this at the cost of suspending a due sense of the tendency there has also been for poets to see further than their noses , and to speak out , and to go to the wall for it .
2 If you both want the father to be present at the birth , ask about arrangements for this at the hospital as early as you can .
3 This tendency to dichotomize policemen against the social reformer even led the ex-police liberal John Alderson uncharacteristically to describe the historian E. P. Thompson as being ‘ an unfair critic of the police ’ ( Public Office , Granada TV , 20 June 1980 ) ; and this at a time when Thompson ( 1980 ) had just pointed out that most policemen are ‘ ordinary blokes , and no society could do without them in dealing with many of its sordid realities ’ .
4 Oh , good child , she teased herself , if only you 'd done this at school and art college , you 'd have got a first .
5 I 'm not sure that a radial-arm saw is accurate enough for this at the best of times , but , at the moment , mine rattles up and down its rails like a train in the sidings , and is definitely not fit for the job .
6 In urban areas especially , major developments place sudden and immense extra demands on the transport infrastructure — but no one considers this at the planning stages .
7 Marriage is one of the elements which leads to the formation and the maintenance of the inequality between classes and it does this at the expense of women .
8 Is there an alternative to this at times unhappy compromise between ‘ relevance ’ and ‘ simplicity' ?
9 ( You are rarely able to sample rhythms as often as you would like. ) ( a ) Are your 4 hours of observations made in a single session or a number of sessions ? ( b ) If it is a single session , is this at the same time or at different times each day ? ( c ) If it is at different times , then how do you arrange them ? ( d ) If it is a number of sessions , then how many ?
10 This at least showed some foresight , since the number of beds in which Stephen might have missed a heartbeat and a vital document were legion .
11 You should n't be doing this at all .
12 But the tide must have turned when even a big commercial panto like this at the Manchester Palace — one of 21 that Paul Elliott is producing this year — rediscovers its roots in traditional storytelling .
13 A disc has been sent out with a software licence asking for $189 : do n't users install this at their own risk ?
14 He did this at an intellectual level , and one of his chief instruments was the German-British Fellowship .
15 He did this at an intellectual level , and one of his chief instruments was the German-British Christian Fellowship .
16 This at least is the figure assumed by the market leaders , Thomson Holidays , and the other majors do not differ greatly .
17 I 'm not trying to be a saint in any of this at all .
18 I still believed implicitly in Tony DeFries and I 'm not trying to put Tony down by this at all .
19 I will post this at once so that you will have it by tomorrow 's first post .
20 He had been too lordly to do this at one time , preferring to give them as Christmas presents .
21 Probably not since the French Revolution had a foreign event so bitterly divided the British people , and this at a time when national unity was essential for our survival .
22 The traditional justification is that there is no other sensible dividing line , and that this at least declares the law 's regard for the physical integrity of citizens .
23 It is evident , too , that everyone is doing this at a time when thoughts of recession could easily exclude any charitable action .
24 If you know your height and weight , write this at the top .
25 Fortune owed Fred Winter a big favour and provided it , for the next part of this tortuous course was quite straight , with four fences to be jumped , and this at least gave the jockey time to work out how to respond to the calamity .
26 I 'm writing this at the start of the war in the Gulf .
27 This at once raises a difficulty .
28 This at last confirmed his qualities as a pianist whose future deserves to be closely watched .
29 The fact that this at least made it into D & AD 's showcase book of work indicates the kind of thing direct marketeers should aim for if they want to improve their awards performance .
30 While there may be some interest in this at Wembley , the sight of the empty Barcelona stadium last Sunday showed that the Spaniards have better things to do .
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