Example sentences of "by now " in BNC.

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1 It will by now have become evident that this book takes an unorthodox approach to art criticism .
2 The later encounter is prefaced by advice from Jimmy , whose leadership pretensions are by now in ashes : ‘ Be calm .
3 By now he has also reached ‘ the realm of real life ’ — by which he ‘ understood a whirling world of parading throngs , physical love and revolutionary slogans ’ .
4 By now free verse has been exposed as decadent , and modern art as the shopworn property of the bourgeois masses .
5 By now Kapuscinski is on his ‘ last legs ’ , and he telexes Warsaw to say that he wants to leave and that it is ‘ more or less clear ’ that ‘ the Angolans will win ’ .
6 By now , the reader may be on his way to deciding that this is the better world of the two , and to wondering if the poet is trying to get his own back .
7 By now you will have made a definite decision to become an actor — no matter what the problems or obstacles .
8 OK , by now you 've lost valuable time and probably irritated the entire panel by dithering instead of being sure of what you 're going to say , quite apart from getting on with the actual pieces you have learned .
9 But his attitude was by now part of the common sense of clergy and people alike .
10 Even if Dáil members had thought otherwise , it must by now be clear that the ethos of the Irish Republic was still one in which it was impolitic to be in conflict with the church .
11 By now I have already committed myself to so much , he wrote .
12 It should all be quite evident enough by now . ’
13 She might have quietened down a bit by now , but you know what she 's like . ’
14 By now , I was crying even worse than she was .
15 Early plums should all have been picked by now , although ‘ Marjorie 's Seedling ’ will be ripe from mid-September .
16 You should also by now know how you are going to find your part of the cost .
17 By now , they should have had an outline to present to the sponsors .
18 Oh , Jay , I 'd have thought she 'd have done it by now , if she was going to .
19 Well — if she had taken kindlier to her a year ago , we might have been wed by now , and I would have escaped the list . ’
20 They will be mobbing Sir John by now .
21 He should be here by now . ’
22 And Alexander McGlashan of Eastertyre — you know them all , and they know you , and by now they will be expecting us .
23 By now they were in among thickening crowds of people , nodding to acquaintances and looking out for their own key men from down the valley .
24 It is all supposition ; the gentry may have swung the government against the Act by now .
25 Luckily the flies had gone by now .
26 Perhaps by now they had been totally cowed . )
27 ( An interesting confluence also took place between the development of classical music , which by now had moved away from tonality by vastly enlarging its range , and the coloured musicians ' microtonality . )
28 By now they too knew they could call on me .
29 You 've had ample time to get your feet under the table by now and one or two things have come up which I 'd like you to pursue .
30 If I had any children to send to those good schools in Highgate , even they would n't be asleep by now . ’
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