Example sentences of "by [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'll handle this by meself ! ’
2 ‘ I think I 'll be able to 'op back to the bedroom by meself , ’ said Dolly .
3 ‘ Am I goin' to be by meself ? ’ asked Dolly in disgust .
4 ‘ I 'm goin' to be all by meself again ? ’ asked Dolly , her hair flooding the pillow with auburn .
5 And when 1 passed by thee and saw thee wallowing in thy blood , I said unto thee : in thy blood live …
6 And how did he come by thee ? ’
7 As the work I do for Thee , and by Thee ,
8 but not by thee my steps shall be ,
9 Till dieted by thee I grow mature in knowledge , as the Gods who all things know .
10 And , indeed , as befits someone who 's hovering on the edge of idolatry , even her vocabulary has gone a little pagan ‘ Till dieted by thee I grow mature in knowledge as the Gods who all things know ’ , and then what I think is a brilliant touch on Milton 's part , the very next line says to us ‘ Though others envy what they can not give ’ .
11 He was convinced he was being both watched and listened to ; by the Russians , if by no-one else .
12 The truly subservient prisoner is respected by no-one , staff or inmates .
13 She flattered herself this was done discreetly , and was noticed by no-one , though the yearning in her look as she gazed at him would be obvious to a child of five , and the staff made frequent jokes about her loving him with a love that made his life a burden .
14 Additionally , they feared the full development of a national health service , viewed by them as unacceptable socialism .
15 Therefore , informing consciences on the evil social consequences of divorce was seen by them to be of a similar standing to informing the consciences of catholic lay people on the sanctity and indissolubility of Christian marriage .
16 In 1978 , on the basis of their professional knowledge of schooling and civil administration , the organization succeeded in obtaining the necessary government permission to open in Dalkey a multi-denominational school governed principally by the parents , the mode of religious instruction to be determined by them .
17 I was very impressed by them , how to approach them .
18 Names , like words , in Hebrew are things ; they are not merely descriptive labellings , but possess a dynamic of their own which can be communicated to those touched by them .
19 Significantly , he adduced the work of the American poet Wallace Stevens at this point , a man torn between the profession of law and the poetic muse , whose view of lost faith and a ‘ disconnected ’ tradition imbued his poetry with a wistfulness and a challenge that was taken very seriously by Leonard and Layton ; or , perhaps , viewed by them as a satisfactory replacement .
20 Not merely welcomed among them , but escorted around the country by them to various literary and poetry events , and often presented to their confrères as their protégé .
21 A recollection of their work was given by Layton in an interview for the Canadian Theatre Revue in 1977 , in the wake of A Man Was Killed , the first play to be written by them , but tardily presented .
22 I felt revolted by them and began to sleep in the hall , dragging a pillow and a wool blanket off the bed and leaving the room to them , in the hope that they would understand my anger , that they would no longer stay till the early hours of the morning , stepping over me as I lay asleep , leaving overflowing ashtrays and empty glasses and cans and bottles strewn about the floor .
23 Has there ever been a tennis player that has written in to say ‘ thank you ’ to their fans who have stood by them through all their traumas and their losses , who have stood for hours in the rain or slept out in the streets to get a look at their idols ?
24 These muscles draw the arms to the sides , therefore all rowing exercises , pull-ups or pull-downs are performed by them .
25 People who were infected by them immediately became as men possessed ad out of their minds .
26 I see the whole chapter as a subtle but misconceived footnote to Crime and Punishment ; in these pages , instead of brushing past Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov in his return upon the underground man , Dostoevsky has allowed himself to be obstructed by them , and the result is a Stavrogin who compounds Raskolnikov 's bracing himself to enter the police station ‘ as a man ’ and confess with Svidrigailov 's reaching out in all directions , including the far extremes of moral and physical debauchery , in the hope that something , it does n't matter what , will make him unbored .
27 That ‘ inwardness ’ so prized by some English readers , and characteristically found by them ( implausibly ) in Lawrence , is an attention directed so far ‘ inward , that it can never come to the surface for long enough to notice how the sunlight breaks upon the edges and volumes of a piece of sculpture ; and that is why indeed such readers can not use the word ‘ aesthetic ’ except ‘ in a limiting sense ’ .
28 ( Pound had studied some of the same French poets , notably Laforgue and Rimbaud , but he had profited by them in a quite different way from Eliot , and he was averse to the central thrust of the symboliste endeavour , to which indeed the imagist or imagiste movement which he had sponsored had been intended as a challenging alternative . )
29 Potential Labour voters are coming to accept that an increasingly confident ( but mercifully less cocky ) Neil Kinnock has rumbled the fundamentalists too , and is neither impressed nor cowed by them .
30 The people most affected by them — office workers and passers-by — have little or no influence on their design , and are dependent on the benevolence of the developer and on planning laws .
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