Example sentences of "and [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This may prove liberating for many female art students who have felt isolated and marginalised within the notoriously male dominated space of the fine art department .
2 Once you have analyzed and redefined your list of goals , you are ready to derive a set of objectives for each of your goals .
3 Dynamics of survival within the NMGC must be related to the role which the organisation has defined and redefined for itself in the light of a changing understanding of marital problems over time and in relation to the work of other agencies .
4 It was not at all surprising that the main road to Poltava town near Makarenko 's colony was full of travellers and plagued by bandits .
5 ( Alfred has a robust appetite for life ; Michael is mollycoddled and plagued with gastritis . )
6 Some had excessive swings of mood , and were either excessively energetic or elated , or , more often , inert and plagued by beliefs of their own worthlessness and guilt ; the manic-depressive psychosis .
7 Combine the processes , or perm the same tresses more than once , and the result can be hair that 's dry , brittle and plagued by split ends .
8 The dossier , which said the town centre was clogged up with traffic , polluted by soot and plagued by accidents , was sent to the county council , DoT , and MPs .
9 In a country still torn between two rivals for sovereignty , and plagued by numerous uncommitted lords more interested in carving out kingdoms of their own , wise men observed their hospitable duties and opened their houses to all , but waited to examine credentials before opening their minds .
10 But she knew then that , plagued and plagued again by the same thought during her fretful waking night-time hours , she just could not leave it .
11 They wandered the savannah during the day , looking for food , and sometimes met and socialised by the lake with other groups of hominids .
12 He failed to do all he could for the Jews and socialised with the Nazis too easily for the Poles ' liking .
13 On the contrary , it is time to treat religion as something strange and outside the ordinary run of life , something which , mysteriously , has had a vast effect on people , over which wars were fought and people were burned and persecuted , and which still has an effect on people ; something which can not be reduced to mere kindness at the old people 's parties or village jumble sales , but which has inspired some of the most splendid painting , writing , music , and architecture ever to be produced by the human imagination , and is still capable of producing martyrdom , cruelty , and sectarian passion .
14 She queried what had turned a band that had formerly written , ‘ Sweet , enticing ballads ’ into one which was : ‘ Brash and abrasive , pained and persecuted . ’
15 They were automatically members of a minority which was loathed and persecuted by a substantial section of society .
16 While persecution varies in intensity from country to country and over time within one country , I can think of no Marxist-Leninist government which has not as a matter of official policy harassed , discriminated against and persecuted religious minorities .
17 Despite being repudiated , condemned and persecuted , Nazarean teachings continued to survive , for much longer than is generally suspected .
18 We think it 's the only way we can actually show the seriousness with which we believe we are being criminalised and persecuted , and in order to draw public attention to the need to change these laws .
19 Other nomes never came in , because it was drafty and stunk unpleasantly .
20 Where literary criticism is concerned , we are faced with the depressing reality that this is now just one more academic specialism , a large specialism , admittedly , produced by and consumed within the academy .
21 While England sent no revivalist as famous as Moody she did send a number of famous ministers and the works of her most famous preachers were avidly bought and consumed in America .
22 The actual goods and services selected include a wide range of food items ; alcoholic drinks ; tobacco ; housing costs ( including mortgage interest payments ) ; fuel and light ; durable household goods ( such as furniture , television sets and hardware ) ; clothing and footwear ; transport and vehicles ( including petrol and oil ) ; a large selection of miscellaneous goods ( including books , newspapers and stationery ) ; services ( which include postage and telephone charges , and all entertainments ) ; and meals bought and consumed outside the home .
23 One young magistrate commented : ‘ An animal is stolen , killed , and consumed by half a dozen people in a single night — by morning not a vestige of the animal is to be found . ’
24 A substantial market exists for reasonably priced , good quality meals , available in an informal setting and which can be obtained and consumed within a fairly short time .
25 Perhaps the most significant of these changes occurred more in the institutions and managerial frameworks in which ‘ art ’ was produced and consumed than in the studios .
26 But now she could see the charm , could read the meaning , of the observer 's role , a meaning inaccessible to a sixteen-year-old , to a thirty-year-old — for the observer was not , as she had from the vantage , the disadvantage of childhood supposed , charged with an envious and impotent malice , and consumed with a fear of imminent death : no , the observer was filled and informed with a quick and lively and long-established interest in all those that passed before , in all those that moved and circled and wheeled around , was filled with intimate connections and loving memories and hopes and concerns and prospects .
27 Benjamin drew a distinction between storytelling , which he saw as , in its purest form , an oral-aural transaction between a narrator and an audience physically present to each other , and the novel , which is produced in one place by a solitary silent author , and consumed in another place by a solitary silent reader .
28 And grew frenzied enough , more than once , to attempt to take her , a half-rape , half-seduction , to which she appeared to submit and then , at the last moment , eluded him ; leaving him more famished and furious and consumed by passion than ever .
29 How should society make plans today for the quantities of goods to be produced and consumed in the future ?
30 Person 2 would certainly not pay the higher price necessary to induce a competitive supplier to expand production beyond the output Q. Person 2 is thus a free-rider enjoying person 1 's purchase Q. And the total quantity privately produced and consumed in a competitive market lies below the socially efficient quantity Q * ;
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