Example sentences of "of to " in BNC.

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1 I had invited everyone I could think of to tea , and we had been invited back , but it was not her style , and when she complained that it was not right for her ‘ to be living among all these old people ’ I understood very well what she meant .
2 The ratio of OF to OA is known as the eccentricity .
3 Inflation in March falling from 4.1 p.c. to 4.0 p.c. , instead of to the expected 3.8 p.c. , could also make for caution , analysts believe .
4 This is described by another commentator as ‘ a disposal of the grey , day-to-day business of reconciling interests , a fear of the pragmatic soiling of ideals through political compromise , a distaste for cool reason , which threatens to corrupt the hot dictates of the heart , the primacy given to principle , the loyalty to fundamentals , to ruthless coherence instead of to balance , to compromise , which is always thought of as ‘ lazy ’ and close to ‘ horse-trading ’ if not ‘ treachery ’ . ’
5 Angela Thorne , star of To the Manor Born and Two Up Two Down , represented Octavia Hill , the principal founder of the Trust .
6 Moreover , the surveyor will feel you do n't wish to involve yourself and his allegiance will be inclined towards the building society or bank , instead of to you which is as it ought to be .
7 Instead of to teaching , a child at school had to be exposed to experiences ; for experiencing is learning .
8 How do you rate your parents ' ( or substitute model ) marriage on a scale of to 10 in the following areas ( 10 being the highest ) :
9 It covers the first item that I can think of to be prohibited from schools ...
10 If z k and ZD are the optimal objective function values of , respectively , LPk and the down-problem created by branching on x B i at node k , then we will define the down-pseudo-cost of to be where is the fractional part of .
11 ‘ The midwives talked to their partner or interpreter instead of to them .
12 Early in 1907 the SMET enquired whether any more were available , and received the reply that only two were left out of the batch of 10 , the others having been disposed of to Swansea ( 4 ) , and Jarrow ( 2 ) .
13 1.2 In anticipation of the royalties that are payable under clause 1.1a the Publisher agrees to make a single advance payment of to the Author on signature and return of this contract .
14 This involves the court ordering a third party who owes your debtor money to pay that money into court instead of to your debtor .
15 Disengagement is just one of many social theories which underlie what Phillipson and Walker ( 1986 ) call ‘ Acquiescent Functionalism ’ — ‘ a body of thought about ageing which attributes the causes of most of the problems of old people to the natural consequences of physical decrescence and mental inflexibility or the failures of individual adjustment to ageing and retirement , instead of to contemporary developments of the state , the economy and social inequality ’ .
16 When the young King was dying , probably of tuberculosis , the protector , Northumberland , persuaded him to leave the throne in his Will to his Protestant cousin Lady Jane Grey , Northumberland 's daughter-in-law , instead of to his Catholic half-sister Mary , as prescribed in the Act of Succession of Henry VIII 's reign .
17 She was agitated ; she was walking across the lawn instead of to the gate . ’
18 The money is taken out of your pre-taxed income , so if you choose to give £10 a month , it will only cost you £7.50 — with the tax you would normally pay ( at 25 per cent basic rate ) going to charity , instead of to the Inland Revenue .
19 I will be writing to the normal firms as usual , to get donations for the raffle , er now the other thing I 've got to report from is the stall , no before that the E C discussed applications by other organisations , now Sheffield and erm many other areas produce there own excellent publications , so I , I wrote of to Greater London Pensioner to Redbridge , to Senior Citizens in Sheffield , Anglian Pensioners , Grey Power and erm I , I 've sent letter 's to them and already had some copies back from Sheffield .
20 there was a kind of to the whole thing , can you remember it ?
21 But the phrase ‘ in relation to the grant or refusal of an advance ’ does not require the action complained of to be a necessary part of the process .
22 What Alexei did n't tell Sylvie about , what he spoke of to no one , was that last year he had spent with his father .
23 He intended to enjoy the next interview , although he could n't understand why Meik had come to him instead of to Lord Chomsmy .
24 There were things the men never spoke of to Angie ; and she had known instinctively that Eric 's job was something she and he would never openly discuss .
25 In July 1642 George Campbell writing from Ballicastell to his brother Colin Campbell , the tutor , was complaining concerning those men you wrote of to me which came from Ila .
26 The Scholastics employed them as technical terms in a deliberate effort to separate the " existential " sense of to be from its " copulative " sense , i.e. its function as an auxiliary to predication .
27 Yet in Greek philosophy , it appears , these two senses of to be were not always very clearly distinguished from each other , and sometimes moreover there was a strong tendency to amalgamate them in a single concept . "
28 Whether or not the Scholastics misinterpreted the Ancients on this point , their insistence on separating the " existential " from the " copulative " sense of to be , a reductivist might argue , has had large and undesirable philosophical repercussions , in particular by encouraging treatment of existence as a property of objects , or a " first-level predicate " , and by inspiring faulty metaphysical arguments for the existence of God .
29 But the function of to be , surely , is not to supply logically independent existence predicates , but to help turn other words into predicates .
30 If this is true , it follows of course that the use of inflected forms of to be in predicate places ( as , for example , in " I think , therefore I am " ) must be rejected as ungrammatical ; and similarly for the verb exist , especially in singular propositions .
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