Example sentences of "the to " in BNC.

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1 Soviet aid has helped in maintaining the population 's morale and the regime 's credibility and unity , while US aid to the to the mujahedin has done little to increase their unity , morale or fighting ability .
2 — ‘ in thought I see my past madness ’ ; these two cries are from the Arnaut Daniel speech ending Purgatorio XXVI , where the poet condemned to the circle of lust prays for the hearer 's consideration and looks forward to the release from the to tortures meted out to the lustful .
3 27 constituent bodies are taking the to the roads with their Roadshows , each sponsored by nationally known organisations and with the RFU itself picking up the tab in Leicestershire , Northumberland and Somerset .
4 Refer to the To Wound Chart to determine the roll needed to wound , and roll a dice per hit as you would for multiple bow or crossbow hits .
5 CASE 1 : the form should be completed with the appropriate letter ( A , B or J ) in the From Working-Set space and the corresponding table number ( 1–40 ) in the To Table Number space .
6 CASE 2 : the form should be completed with the appropriate letter ( A , B or J ) in the To Working-Set space and the corresponding table number ( 1–40 ) in the From Table Number space .
7 CASE 3 : the form should be completed with the appropriate letter ( A , B or J ) in the From Working Set space and the corresponding table number ( 1–40 ) in the To Table Number space .
8 The form should also have the following filled in , the appropriate letter ( A , B or J ) in the To Working Set space and the corresponding table number ( 1–40 ) in the From Table Number space .
9 They 're something you should be using right the way up to the to the actual exams .
10 Well we had a r a sch classroom in the infants school there for our headquarters and er storing cos we used to make use , we had a palliasse on the floor for when we was on night duty erm but I can never understand why we had our he headquarters over there but we had to do guard duties over in the elementary school on th school on the other side because that was the only one that had got a telephone and we had to man the telephones from the Brigade Headquarters or the to be able to phone to should they want us to be called out and so we had to do the guard duty over there but we slept in the , when we was off duty we was in er Alma Green School and that was there and then the we moved from there eventually and th th the longest part of our life of the Home Guard , the headquarters was at the cottage , I 've been trying to think what the name of the cottage is , it ha it , it has a name it 's the cottage next door to the Sir Robert Peel public house in Bell Lane .
11 The as I said this , this is required for identification for the organism , but the to the toxin has been recognised for a very , very long time and right from er , the early days the possibility of inactivating the biological properties of a toxin while retaining their immunological properties has been attractive to people seeking to prevent these diseases .
12 As far as texts are concerned , consider ‘ The To on Improvement Bill ’ ( Ex. 1.6 ) .
13 Having collected all the safety lines , we quickly motored around the to the other side of the iceberg .
14 Inshore , Wilkie , lying lazily along the water , propped by flickering hands , watched the to and fro of their dancing and circling and smiled to himself .
15 I think that er I think the question of a strategic reserve erm falls er as secondary to the to the fact that the the land or the sites do not perform a greenbelt function .
16 So I I I start to put it across to the to the Why not try and negotiated one commission , fifteen percent , you see ?
17 Do you ever do you ever go out to the to pubs round here ?
18 And he went into the to the Pub
19 The TO was only about three strides and two sheets of glass away from her , but the talkback gave his voice the quality of a long distance call .
20 The TO said , ‘ He talked to you on the phone and you told him to come in .
21 You know they were really , but you see , in the , in , in the to modern womens ' favour you see , these women had n't got anything like we have today .
22 At the moment the er the regulators ask us to go to the to the customers , and this we have done , and produce something called market plans .
23 And then er the man that went round with all these knives and things he went down to the to the soo cray if you ken what that is .
24 What did he s What did he say to the to the pony ?
25 In Ninfania , the to and fro of peoples — of troglodytes , Iapygians , of Greeks on their heels , and Romans on theirs-had sown in the pale chocolate-coloured fields a different harvest of pots and glass and coin , and bequeathed to the Ninfanians another occasionally profitable and effortless trade , the traffic in antiquities .
26 You see and they called it the , the church of Saint Constantine , and it shifted from here and they built one down at the and then they shifted from the to the present site in about seventeen forty .
27 And I think it would be a good time now to , to point out to the to s to er to say that we 'd like to have our views heard at that time .
28 Much play is given in the to the rather romantic story of Hocazade 's extreme poverty in his youth , a story which lays the basis for a rags-to-riches saga ( in respect both of material wealth and of intellectual achievement ) and which also has overtones of the story of Joseph .
29 Though there appears to be no evidence to support Husameddin " s assertion that Molla Fenari actually went in company with Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey , the fact that the former dedicated his commentary on the to the latter and praises him fulsomely in the preface suggests a close connection between the two and is a further indication that it was during Karamanoglu Mehmed Bey 's rule ( 1402–19 , 1421–3 ) that Molla Fenari 's sojourn in Karaman occurred .
30 If he agreed it he signed it and put the to which that was called a total waybill .
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