Example sentences of "the same " in BNC.

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31 The versatile artist raises the question of relationship between the arts , and how far they can be considered to have the same or similar aims .
32 The catalogue as a whole is thus a document in the history of taste , a historical account , and at the same time contains some art criticism , not always explicit in evaluating the works shown .
33 Mixed exhibitions tend to have rather perfunctory introductions and catalogue entries ; the same is often true of exhibitions arranged by groups of artists , though they may have statements of aim or even an artists ' manifesto .
34 Major art museums may devote considerable resources to an individual artist 's exhibition , on the same scale as a historical show .
35 All the same , museum curators will have carried out a critical task in selecting the exhibition , in some instances having fended off proposals for inclusions with a political or a particular cultural bias .
36 The auction houses employ considerable skill to ensure that the best possible prices are obtained for their clients , but all the same , a good eye and a well-stocked memory may still outwit their expertise .
37 The level of detail may seem much the same as in a catalogue raisonné , but the stress falls in a different way .
38 In this respect , the scholarly standard of a private collection 's catalogue will be very high , and the sort of information which a reader can expect will be the same .
39 This is the occasion when a reader can visit the same show and make a personal assessment of how helpful the art critic has been .
40 To it we owe that nervous , spidery line of the drawings — so quick , so attentive , yet so despairing — that alerts us to the elusiveness of the subject at the same time that it perseveres in the attempt to render it .
41 Another consequence of the labelling of Impressionism and other groups by critics was that some artists naturally decided that they themselves could do the same job better than the critics .
42 Paintings which describe the natural world are indeed easiest for the critic to describe , since any observer can compare an object seen with the same thing depicted .
43 A fragment from an altarpiece can not be appraised in just the same way as an independent portrait ; and a craftsman 's skill is esteemed more accurately when the materials used are rightly identified .
44 This sort of copy is at the same time description and interpretation , the salient points being brought out by the copyist , who gains greater understanding of a masterpiece by his work .
45 It is not altogether satisfactory to call a print by an artist on the same theme as one of his paintings a description .
46 The same angle was conspicuous in the title story of Naipaul 's previous book , In a Free State , where a coup in a new African country was studied , as it were , out of the corner of an eye ; and it also occurs elsewhere in his work .
47 At the same time , the reader can be made to feel that , on closer inspection , the country 's politics might prove to be antics too .
48 Conrad said of The Secret Agent , another book about revolutionaries , cranks , crooks , somnambulists , peripherals and phantasmagoricals , that it was written ‘ in scorn as well as in pity ’ , and the same could be said of Guerrillas .
49 At the same time , the novel finds more to object to in the less objectionable aspects of these activities than many readers might anticipate .
50 At the same time , he has wandered some distance from his kin , in spirit .
51 Metty is a misfit , as Golding 's Matty is in Darkness Visible , a novel which appeared at the same time as Naipaul 's .
52 A piece of oral history may be meant to do without a presiding historian in much the same way in which an analytic session may be meant to do without a presiding analyst ; theoretical presuppositions are subject in each case to a show of suspension , though it is clear that the theories of Freud and others will be present in the consulting-room , and that oral historians may be sympathetic to socialism and to the methods of Marxist historiography .
53 But they 're the same .
54 At the same time , these hardships are a focus of his attention .
55 To say this is not the same as complaining of his acknowledgement that poor people can have a good time .
56 Each of the two principal actors glimpses his double in passing , as a reflection in a glass , and each stands to the other in the same relation — a relation which presupposes , as in many other Gothic texts , some sort of metempsychosis or rebirth .
57 Dyer 's doings are the same as but also different from those investigated by the fretful man he resembles , just as Hawksmoor 's investigative Scotland Yard is the same as but also different from the architects ' department of that name attended by Dyer .
58 Dyer 's doings are the same as but also different from those investigated by the fretful man he resembles , just as Hawksmoor 's investigative Scotland Yard is the same as but also different from the architects ' department of that name attended by Dyer .
59 And literature will amount to the same thing : all writers are copycats .
60 Ackroyd notices that the Eliot who had once called poetry a ‘ mug 's game ’ was eventually , in his play The Elder Statesman , to use the same expression for forgery .
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