Example sentences of "is made " in BNC.

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1 With a payment under covenant , The Deed of Covenant has to be filled in corrected before a payment is made .
2 A payment will not qualify under Gift Aid if it is made to enable the charity to purchase a property , or other assets , from the donor or from a ‘ connected person ’ .
3 The donor must be resident in the United Kingdom at the time that the gift is made .
4 An international cultural agreement is made in parallel with a trading agreement ; trade , it is hoped , will follow the art exhibition .
5 The auction catalogue can also quote from other authorities , which will be inevitable in a case where a scholar has written a catalogue raisonné , and advantageous if the context of the work is made clearer by the artist 's correspondence or other publications .
6 The problem of criticising the work in exhibiting societies ' shows is how little space is made available in newspapers for its coverage ; the critic has time to mention a painter or a sculptor , make a brief observation , and then passes on .
7 A journalist politician , Meredith Herbert , is made a minister — perhaps in order that he should be damaged by having to deal with the people on the streets ; he is , perhaps , physically beaten up .
8 It is made clear that the boy was exposed to serious danger by his father 's irresponsibility and by his sisters ' departure : but his sisters had been exposed to this father too , and had had to defend themselves .
9 Not much is made , however , in the book she has become , of the cultural provenance of this Russian-style belle dame sans merci .
10 Excellent use is made of the text of Tom Jones , but it is now less detectable that this is a writer who has done his stint of teaching English literature at university level .
11 It is made to seem that he was a stranger , a gentleman , a ‘ watcher from the sidelines ’ .
12 Kelman stands much closer to the new hero , and more is made of what happens in that hero 's head .
13 A film is made up of a series of shots that may be photographed over various periods of time ; a ‘ take ’ that may have originally started out as three or four minutes in length may eventually be edited to a ten second shot .
14 This extract is made up of two consecutive speeches to Jessica ; either speech can be played for an audition , but if you have the time to do them both together the extract works well .
15 Yeast is made up of millions of tiny fungus cells which literally go berserk when confronted by a liquid rich with sugars .
16 Changes to the fabric have to be effected as new toilets are installed , or greater provision is made for food preparation facilities .
17 The listing of pubs is made more difficult by the fact that they have almost always been altered .
18 The gâteau is made with moist sponge layered with sweetened red bean paste , ginger jam and lychee-flavoured cream .
19 A starter of courgette and wild mushroom flan is made by cooking potatoes , leeks and courgettes until soft and then squeezing the puree dry .
20 A more elegant , but equally traditional sauce for pork or game is made by thickening a red wine sauce with mustard and blood .
21 The mousse is made with a scallop meat base , which is puréed and combined with a reduced stock of langoustine shells , tomato , brandy and a little garlic .
22 Heavy clay is made up chiefly of tiny soil particles which bind together tightly and cling to the water around them , making the clay sticky and difficult to work .
23 My own worm factory is made from a plastic dustbin and it works well , but I welcome the advent of a new , custom-made job at what I think is a pretty reasonable price .
24 We suspect you had seen the Terrex Autospade , which is made by Wolf Tools .
25 To prevent overstressing the glider during a launch , the weak link should break if the climb is made too steeply at speeds above the maximum shown on the placard .
26 When the change in angle is made smoothly , the glider will be climbing at a safe angle and will be able to recover if there is a launch failure at any point .
27 If the decision is made to continue with a circuit , use a well-banked turn and monitor the airspeed every few seconds .
28 The ‘ too fast ’ signal is made by yawing from side to side .
29 If a decision is made to abandon the launch at height , it is safer to release first and then to lower the nose , as this prevents the risk of the cable parachute opening and flying up over the aircraft .
30 However , provided that a movement forwards is made to unstall , the possibility of a full spin will have been avoided .
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