Example sentences of "it right " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That does n't make it right . ’
2 ‘ All right , Alex , but that is for you to do , I have only to make sure you do it right . ’
3 In fact the service would be nearly over , if Cameron and Menzies had timed it right .
4 Was it right even to burden the family with his plan ?
5 If we do it right , we can engage more soldiers than they would gain if they caught the lot . ’
6 Maybe now I can get at this business of amor as of Ezra , and get at it right .
7 Campbells ' Richard Nelson has it right .
8 The power of the Establishment came not from the fact that a few dozen people imposed their will on the rest of us , but from the fact that for a long time we felt it right that the opinions of such people should have respectful attention paid to them .
9 The answer is simple : you can put it right in your next monthly payment , or when you pay any balance due at the end of the year .
10 At the top of the hill before Godmanchester Mr Ramsey felt uncomfortable with his coat and turned to pull it right .
11 Nevertheless , it was clear that the wisest Cambridge leaders whom he could consult would not regard his going as betrayal if he felt it right .
12 ‘ If you go to London I shall feel it right .
13 Some fucking idiot 's cocking it right up .
14 The fucking idiot cocking it right up was yours truly of course .
15 But I think it s very important top management should get to know some of the problems those people have too , because if they 're not doing it right , the company could be in trouble .
16 Lauda had it right , March had it entirely wrong .
17 While those are powerful arguments , more speed , extra refinement and sharper handling would put it right on the pace .
18 He leans forward and picks up one of his legs and pulls it right out from his trousers .
19 All three thought it right that the fight continued in the eleventh round when McDonnell 's right eye was all but closed , though the fighter admitted he could not see from that eye .
20 An economic recession could throw it right off course .
21 Francesca might have it right after all , McLeish thought , enjoying the turn of phrase .
22 ‘ Let me see I have it right , ’ McLeish said , after a pause .
23 FEW lawyers think it right to have affairs with their clients , but should the law prohibit it ?
24 When I spoke I made it clear that I intended to do something about the position of the ‘ early leavers ’ and that I thought it right that people should not suffer if they transferred their pension from one job to another .
25 Somehow the protestant part of me could not find it right to speak of her place in God 's order of salvation because I was afraid of her obscuring the central place of Jesus Christ in his Church .
26 Seeing the ‘ For Sale ’ sign had put it right out of his head .
27 They are working on it right now .
28 He never brought in anything unless he had plans to eat it right away .
29 Whenever you miss it , you close your eyes and you 'll find it right there in front of you .
30 As he made a pantomime of checking his watch , shaking it in mock disbelief , then shoving it right under Marie 's nose , he looked as empty-headed and harmless as ever : it 's only Gazzer , acting daft .
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