Example sentences of "to more " in BNC.

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1 The loosening-up of regulations could lead to more hotels being developed in India .
2 Yet there were those who moved easily around the margins , and I am certain the profound effects of this liminal time extended to more than a few of us who made this transition into structural limbo .
3 Dostoevsky 's notebook word ‘ tone ’ amounts to more than dust and mortar and summer smells ; it catches up human beings and entangles them with the city .
4 This may take a few iterations to achieve a good balance , but should eventually make the zero crossings correspond to more or less zero field .
5 If we take criticism out of its academic context and apply it to more things than literature , it is evident that comparisons of value are fundamental to it .
6 Bonuses are spreading to more than half of all managing directors .
7 I could only speculate whether the industrial activity required to produce the clock radio and the telephone they wanted to give me , and all the ongoing activity to service those industries and their customers , would not cause more pollution , lead to more acid rain , and so destroy more trees than the one they planned to plant for me .
8 This could last several years and might eventually lead to more talks to determine the final status of the occupied territories .
9 Meanwhile , Barclays has announced plans to more than double its network of wipe-through machines .
10 THE University of Southampton announced plans yesterday to more than double its student numbers over the next 35 years by building an additional campus .
11 ALESSANDRO FIORIO , of Italy , despite being plagued by overheating problems in his Lancia Delta Integrale , extended his lead to more than half a minute during the second stage of the San Remo rally yesterday .
12 The way we look at it is , there 's people out there want to kill me , and the authorities let you in here and give you access to more than we will probably ever get .
13 Both BBC-TV and ITV , both early and main evening news , all followed the same trend : they all screened more presentation than controversy until the third week ; then they screened between two and four times as much controversy as presentation in the third week , before reverting to more presentation at the end of the campaign .
14 Mr Callaghan 's famous speech to the 1976 Labour party conference ( subsequently cited in many Conservative party publications ) admitted that governments could not spend their way into full employment ; that way only led to more inflation and eventually more unemployment .
15 Nonetheless , whatever success was achieved within these programmes it was not enough to change the general picture of an agricultural system which could only expand production by having access to more land .
16 I had so many clothes but my mother never said no to more .
17 When you sign the Deed of Covenant , it means you 're helping us to give more help to more children .
18 ‘ It 's not a question of bringing them to more people — Emporio has never been for the poor — but of morals ; with the Nineties there comes a new thinking about how much it 's right to spend on clothes and I certainly go along with that . ’
19 Gordon Owen , the managing director in charge of Mercury , says the group is anxious not to more than double the network in a year as it is a case of ‘ how fast you can go without falling over ’ .
20 Bob Keville , chairman of the Lloyd 's Insurance Brokers Committee , predicted the change was ‘ bound to lead to more business coming Lloyd 's way in future . ’
21 Bob Keville , chairman of the Lloyd 's Insurance Brokers Committee , predicted the change was ‘ bound to lead to more business coming Lloyd 's way in future . ’
22 Devenish is to spend up to £180million to more than double its pub chain .
23 This was equal to more than one-fourth of all American exports ’ .
24 With a burden of about 150 kilograms — equal to more than a quarter of its body weight — a camel burns only around 15 per cent more fuel than it burns unladen .
25 In contrast to the nationwide Observer/Harris poll of voters referred to earlier , 75 per cent of the Londoners questioned by Gallup on behalf of five London boroughs preferred curbs on cars and better public transport to more city roads .
26 In practice , they agreed only to more muddle .
27 The other three preconditions , according to FMCG , are : that the acquiring bank has a proven record of controlling its non-interest expenses ( that is , the costs of computer systems , branches , staff and so forth ) ; that the acquiring bank will be getting a mix of businesses , which , combined sensibly with their own , add up to more than the sum of the parts ; and that the two banks are physically close together .
28 Not everyone is opposed to more controls on advertising .
29 But he has not convinced his hometown audience that the larger goal of the Gulf war — the crafting of a new world order — amounts to more than a string of words .
30 This matters to more than just those smooth scions of the British upper class who work in this singular insurance market , or to those who pledge their wealth , as ‘ names ’ , to back the market 's underwriting syndicates .
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