Example sentences of "to with " in BNC.

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1 Wrist injuries are best attended to with strapping or bandaging .
2 What you can not turn to with such pride is BR 's printed timetable , which changed format several times during the eighties and ended as a poor thing , well below continental standards .
3 Dido 's sobbing for her old lover even as she lies in the arms of her new one — this melancholy , which Virgil , and following him Hardy , responded to with such sympathy , is for Pound deathly , it precludes the genuinely ‘ new ’ , which he urgently wants to find and to celebrate .
4 Even on these , though , the Tennant and Lowe arrangement replaces the lush Nelson Riddle-style orchestral arrangements she is used to with something called ‘ Fairlight Programming ’ .
5 Recognition of that and an agreement to forego the linguistic tricks and the cheap jibes would help convince all sides that their arguments have been listened to with respect .
6 Between mouthfuls of food I enquire from the Commando sitting beside me on the grass ‘ What is he up to with that pig ? ’
7 Rachel was not an easy person to go to with such a strange and garbled fear .
8 There 's a sort of market here , like the one I used to go to with Marie and Sonja , cept not so big .
9 Mrs Margaret Jones : ‘ David arrived home carrying the statuette that he 'd won at the song contest that he 'd been to with Ken Pitt and dashed straight upstairs to see his father who had n't been well for a number of days .
10 When he speaks he is listened to with well-earned respect , particularly in these preparatory years before the 1992 UN conference on the environment which will mark the culmination of his career .
11 When Humphrey Atkins made his statement it was listened to with concern but the response was subdued .
12 Philip saw a photograph of the house he 'd been to with Mrs Wright , only it was a different time of year .
13 He remembered , from the one or two he 'd gone to with her , that she was in the habit of pocketing things and crunching large handfuls of crisps .
14 ‘ There 's a lot to react to with him . ’
15 He always stands strategically in corners at parties or similar wasteful gatherings of the wasted , his glass tilted in his hand , his broad back against the wall , talking all the while in those low , resonant yet rather monotonous tones which everyone listens to with a sniggery sort of attention .
16 It was striking that many of the girls I spoke to with anorexia or bulimia ( an eating disorder similar to anorexia , but in which sufferers make themselves sick or take laxatives to keep their weight down ; both methods are extremely dangerous to health ) told of an incident ( which they often insist was small or insignificant ) of sexual harassment or abuse which marked the start of their body obsession .
17 No doubt his poem , which congressmen listened to with deepest embarrassment , sounded better late at night , after a beer or two .
18 There is , in fact , every indication that Karajan was acutely aware of the temper of the times , though to find evidence of this we do not go to the random rag-bag of recordings he was permitted to make in the early 1940s but to what he immediately turned his mind to with Legge in Vienna in 1947 : Strauss 's Metamorphosen , a recording , still , of unparalleled intensity , and the Brahms German Requiem , a performance ( it was said to be one of Toscanini , s favourite records ) of unbearable directness and poignancy of utterance .
19 Technically assured from the very outset of his brief career , Bonington constructed his landscape compositions with the rigour of the Dutch old masters , balancing areas of light against dark , or figures seen close to with far distant prospects .
20 The Rottweiler was recognized as a police dog , and though it came fourth behind three other breeds , it was a start , a start to a new career and one the breed took to with relish .
21 The furtiveness and fear of discovery that end Laura 's and Alec 's relationship comprise a set of emotions that Coward would have felt with particular force and poignancy , and which gay men ever since have responded to with recognition and admiration .
22 Although there is much to support this view of the origin of our modern idea of time , it is now realized that it can only be adhered to with some reservations , as we shall see .
23 Induction is part of the recruitment process the Japanese pay great attention to with results that well recover the time , effort and cost involved .
24 the most expedient course to consult the architect who had already been employed to prepare plans for the particular office now to be built , and who from his official position in connexion with the Board of Works might be resorted to with the least invidiousness to the professional public .
25 The songs of birds if listened to with a creative ear , can turn a garden into an enchanted place .
26 These were then filed and added to with frequent reports , letters , and documents .
27 Those who heard him lecture remarked on the way he seized on and illustrated the most interesting parts of his subject , so that he was intelligible to the novice and listened to with pleasure by even the best informed , generally leading his class unresistingly to the desired conclusion .
28 This was regarded and listened to with some incredulity by the majority of the airmen , whose main ambition regarding Waafs had much to do with getting them into dark corners , like behind the Naafi , and nothing whatever to do with playing the flute or any other instrument .
29 If the meaning of ‘ god ’ can be developed to be as flexible and free from the restrictions and constraints of earlier teachings and convictions as has been the development of medical science , then the future could be looked to with confidence and hope .
30 ‘ Hey , ’ cried Michael , ‘ where are you off to with that ?
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