Example sentences of "in long " in BNC.

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1 Where the eye often used to be bruised by hectic entrances and exits , Page now keeps his dancers on the stage , shifting them around in complex patterns or gathering them up in long architectural phrases .
2 We gathered in a long , low room surrounded by pictures of donkeys and men in long striped skirts like shepherds .
3 These gangs were thirty- and forty-strong , youths in long black overcoats and white knotted scarves , like Sid Field .
4 It was an almost empty theatre in Long Beach , Long Island , a tourist spot with a boardwalk and beautiful beaches .
5 The complexity I am concerned with is not that supposed intrinsic property of the text which politically motivated critics allegedly distort ( in biased readings ) and impartial critics transparently represent ( in long readings ) .
6 Also , the process of pre-censorship by what Thorold Dickinson called ‘ ex-colonels and maiden aunts in long flowered frocks ’ made filmmakers complicit with the censors in keeping everything a touch daring , challenging or controversial from the screen .
7 THOUSANDS of Namibians stood in long queues , stretching nearly a mile in some cases , as they waited to vote on the first day of Namibia 's five-day pre-independence election yesterday .
8 The runaway Prince Leonce and his veminous , thieving philosphical sparring partner Valerio , after pawning their clothes for food , loaf about in the forest in long johns swapping paradoxes like two men waiting for Godot .
9 Neither did the men gliding by in long jellabas and pointed hoods .
10 This will divert forests from disputed uplands where foresters are frequently held up or defeated in long battles with environment groups .
11 In long and complex cases delay was inevitable and had to be accepted , so why then , she asked , should that not be so in a simple case .
12 The company specialises in long haul holidays with off-the-beaten-track itineraries .
13 Young dolphins also play with toys such as feathers and stones in long and involved games .
14 Joe was up in Long Field with Oz and the cabbage plants , expecting Jinny to join him .
15 Paper hung away in long strips .
16 He was living in Long Island .
17 Open-air dancing under the floodlights , often in long mackintoshes and trilby hats , a fountain that fell from bucket to bucket like the omnipresent rain , a bewhiskered Emett railway , a tree-walk alongside a forty-foot Chinese dragon — people queued patiently to enjoy such simple pleasures whose lack of sophistication seemed very exciting to people , most of whom had never had a foreign holiday or seen café tables with coloured umbrellas or indeed any fresh paint for as long as they could remember .
18 The model queens of the magazine covers , Suzy Parker in America and Barbara Goalen in England , were ladies who were photographed in long gloves .
19 Even in long trousers and polished shoes and a brand-new bomber jacket , he looked much younger than his nine years .
20 He was still pretty , still was obliged to wear his hair in long curls and was attired in the same silks and satins but underneath all this there was a tougher character emerging .
21 It is true that the recession has been putting their customers out of business , but accountants will always be kept busy picking up the pieces , or explaining in long reports why other accountancy firms got it wrong and are liable for a fortune in damages .
22 Surfboarding is popular on the North coast , where crashing Atlantic combers spend themselves in long beaches .
23 Lambing time usually coincided with the busy spring work resulting in the full-time farm wives having to put in long hours , often in poor weather conditions .
24 The main processes involve the high tonnage synthesis of dyes ( in large ( up to 40m3 ) reaction vessels ) in long campaigns .
25 Even for a paedophile , life in Russia might be better than a cell in Long Lartin prison .
26 There does need to be some organisation and structure , teachers do need time to organise their classrooms before the start of school and no one really wants to engage in long discussions when there are children to be settled and registers to be marked .
27 A new sense of harmony is unlikely to be developed if bored parents have to wait endlessly in long queues to see teachers .
28 The grandmother was a Manx seaman 's widow , always smart ’ , in long skirts and an apron , ‘ always cooking , baking , and sewing : always clean … immaculate ; , yet somehow without warmth .
29 Above me the reddish escarpment and the red stone of the terraces contrasts with all the fresh greens sketched in long lines .
30 The larger towns like Kimberley , Mafeking , and Pietermaritzburg provided the full range of facilities in long buildings backed by canopied platforms .
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