Example sentences of "in that " in BNC.

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1 Both in their 70s , they continue to serve life sentences imposed in connection with an abortive coup in that year which was blamed on the Communist Party of Indonesia ( PKI ) .
2 In those moments when a light was a dream or a miracle , you were light in that darkness .
3 We all know the face and hands of the figure , set in its marble chair , in that circle of fantastic rocks , as in some faint light under sea .
4 All the thoughts and experience of the world had etched and moulded there , in that which they have of power to refine and make expressive the outward form , the animalism of Greece , the lust of Rome , the mysticism of the Middle Ages with its spiritual ambition and imaginative loves , the return of the Pagan world , the sins of the Borgias .
5 The description is rather slender , but Pater was able to assume some existing knowledge on the part of his reader : ‘ We all know the face and hands of the figure , set in its marble chair , in that circle of fantastic rocks , as in some faint light under sea . ’
6 Nobody excelled him in that judgement , with which he united his own observations on nature , the energy of Michelangelo , and beauty and simplicity of the antique .
7 More than a hundred years have passed since Morelli started writing ; in that time many problems of authorship have been solved , while about others tacit agreement has been reached .
8 In that last respect , however , they were like practically everyone else on the island , which may in itself be a reason why we should not be quick to decide that their behaviour lacked political significance , and consisted of antics .
9 No lie in that .
10 It is a novel which communicates the notion that talented and untalented meet in that country of the mind where everyone copies and steals from everyone else , where everything is reproductive or reminiscent of everything else , where one thing leads to another and this person passes into that .
11 In that respect , Kundera could have fooled at least one of his readers ; but I do see that it belongs to the point of it all that the uncommon Jaromil should be thought humanly representative .
12 Alas , my aquatic love , said another line , and Jaromil knew that the aquatic love was Magda ; but he also knew that nobody else could find her in that line … ’ .
13 But then I 'll be told that it 's not about him at all , in that silly sense .
14 There 's religion in that .
15 Kelman stands much closer to the new hero , and more is made of what happens in that hero 's head .
16 We are aware , in the novels we read , both of an authorial identification with the leading character or the first-person narrator , and of material that might constitute an authorial judgement in that respect : but we do n't know what the verdict is .
17 A Disaffection shares in that uncertainty , and in so doing acknowledges a connection with a certain whether-or-not that we meet with in the plays of Shakespeare .
18 But to say the truth , madam , let a man love reading never so well , when once he comes to know this tawn , he finds so many better ways of passing the four-and-twenty hours , that 't were ten thousand pities he should consume his time in that .
19 Acting ‘ exercises ’ differ from improvisation in that students work in a less open-ended way ; the aim is to follow the intentions and actions of a character in a particular scene , often quite minutely .
20 I mean , radio work classes helped a lot in that respect .
21 Playing Richard is so bound up with physical attitude , and I think that as actors we are not well enough equipped to meet that kind of physical thinking in that kind of role .
22 Similarly , the de facto existence of the protestant enclave in the North and its pursuit of protestant dominance in that state may have even reinforced a similar , though integralist , approach in the South .
23 To simplify a rather complex historical phenomenon , it can be said that the present political division between Fianna Fail and Fine Gael originates in positions taken by opponents in that war .
24 In that period of the early development of the state , the nationalist ideal was almost totally unquestioned .
25 The spirit of papal statements throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was that it was the duty of the state to oppose freedom of conscience in matters of religion and freedom of worship and to celebrate openly the worship of God ‘ in that way which he has shown to be his will ’ , namely Roman catholicism ( Leo XIII 1903 : 111–12 ) .
26 The two changes which took place in law and constitution before 1980 were at least permitted by the clerical church in that it agreed with the abolition of the special position of the Roman catholic church , and did not oppose the limited introduction of contraceptives .
27 The high court decision , announced at the end of December in that year , found on behalf of SPUC and declared such counselling by the Dublin Well Woman Centre and the Open Line counselling service to be illegal and ordered them to cease their public information service on the issue by 12 January 1987 .
28 I do not mean to imply , he wrote , that nothing existed before that moment , no plans , no designs , no sketches and no notes , of course there were plans and designs , sketches and notes , how could there not be , he wrote , when my whole life has been nothing but a preparation for this beginning , not only in the sense that everyone 's life is always a preparation for every beginning in that life but in the quite specific sense that my own life has always been a preparation for this beginning , nothing but a preparation for this beginning , both consciously and unconsciously , with everything I have done as well as everything I have thought , everything I have felt as well as everything I have suffered .
29 But something is happening in that upper panel .
30 Happier ? he said , his blue eyes fixed on my face in that mad way he sometimes has .
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