Example sentences of "having [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 The king had himself portrayed on the last coinage of his reign , issued c. 1485 , wearing the closed crown of the emperor , at much the same time as Henry VII introduced the style into England ; but James went one better by having himself shown in a realistic three-quarters face portrait , thereby producing what the numismatist Ian Stewart has described as ‘ probably the earliest Renaissance coin portrait outside Italy ’ .
2 Alston opposed the concept of sex in plants and Miller criticised his paper on the ‘ Generation of Plants ’ , having himself closely studied hemp , mercury , briony , cucumber and mulberry in this connection .
3 This time , in an effort to produce a lasting solution to the Italian question , Napoleon created a kingdom of Italy , making Milan its capital and having himself crowned with Monza 's iron crown .
4 The relationship between father and son was always strained and the child insisted on having himself called by his second name , Lawrence , from quite an early age .
5 On 28 December 1694 , vindicating her husband 's foresight in having himself made joint sovereign , Mary II died , but William III now went on to rule alone , with no dispute over the succession .
6 Having himself come from a close family he did not at first regard his wife 's involvement with Chloe as unusual .
7 He found that man more easily than he had anticipated , quite near at hand , indeed , having himself just completed his return charge and now wondering what to do next .
8 It is illuminating that much of Askwith 's article is devoted to Blakemore 's apparent surrender to these demands having himself ‘ invited most of Britain 's leading ophthalmologists ’ to bear witness to the clinical benefits of his work .
9 With remarks like ‘ Ah well , that never did me any harm ; I have gone through worse ’ , he would brush aside his colleagues ' explorations as irrelevant , yet hint at having himself suffered as a child .
10 Such examples can easily be multiplied without going beyond the bounds of the county of Stirling , The Honourable William Elphinstone , a gentleman active in the politics of both Dunbartonshire and Stirlingshire , was three times chairman of the East India Company and always maintained close relations with the shipping interest , having himself commanded the East Indiaman Tryton before becoming a director , while the Haldanes of Airthrey , significant in the political life of Perth , Dunbarton and Stirlingshire , had similar connections with the Indian shipping interest .
11 Evidently Edward 's purpose now was to inflict a final blow on the Valois monarchy by marching to Rheims and having himself crowned Ring of France .
12 Karadjordje 's attempt to impose himself on this structure by having himself declared ‘ Supreme Leader ’ created tensions which were never resolved during the nine years of his rebel regime .
13 Petty probably died in London soon after the Restoration at the house of a brother in the legal profession , having himself by then settled at a property in Berkshire which the spendthrift republican MP Henry Marten [ q.v. ] had sold to trustees acting for John Wildman .
14 The U-boat , having itself rounded the Cape , ran aground on the coast of Kenya and the crew were taken prisoner .
15 It was announced on Sept. 23 that the Eagle Party had agreed to subsume itself within the NDC in support of the candidacy of Rawlings ( the national congress of the Eagle Party having itself asked Rawlings on Sept. 13 to be its presidential candidate ) .
16 Mrs Aquino knows the power of a campaign corpse , having herself been catapulted into the presidency in 1986 after touring the country with her husband 's body .
17 Having herself lost her mother when she was three years old , the same age as Alex now , Victoria had watched the children carefully to see how they reacted to their loss .
18 However , the superintendents and foremen who worked on the factory floor , many having themselves been skilled machinists , sided with the operators and consequently nothing happened to change the balance of power .
19 What 's more , having themselves expanded to massive premises during that time , Harmony found themselves supporting a business whose sales were being rifled wholesale by cheap(er) imports .
20 Nowadays , having myself experienced long car journeys with three young children , I appreciate what brave words those were !
21 having myself graduated in Business over 40 years ago , there seems to be a remarkable cycle in which we return to particular models every few decades .
22 It 's it 's just the strains that I 've had to go through , raising her up , and the time and the energy and just having myself to be sane , you know and and well !
23 In general it would be incongruous , having myself been highly honoured , to express any criticism of the honours system , but in my view its main vice has been the determination of unsuccessful candidates to receive an award .
24 What is the solution to these problems of unity and sustaining interest ? I think it can best be found by looking at the visual arts , and having myself once been an architect I would like to use an architectural illustration .
25 I confess to having myself once described a particularly abstruse provision as ‘ something of a minor masterpiece of opacity ’ , but I regret it because I think that such shafts are frequently not aimed at the right target .
26 Having myself asked several haulage firms for a similar quote , the price ranged from £75 to £100 per load .
27 If he 's not going to use them having yourself ?
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