Example sentences of "taken about " in BNC.

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1 At the time of looking up we ascribe an experience of greenness to ourselves ; we consider the experience as something being undergone by us before any decision is taken about its veridicality .
2 Then a decision can be taken about changing the artist 's material , producer or musical style .
3 The authority had not found out about the incident involving the cadets at Leek until they were in hospital , but tests on the water taken about the same time showed toxics from algae present .
4 In order to find out what the substantive law is , we must still go back to the time when Law and Equity were administered in different courts ; we may still have to picture to ourselves distinct proceedings taken about the same matter in those courts , and work out the result of those separate proceedings .
5 From the beginning of the fourth year , and especially for as long as pupils were legally free to leave school at the end of that year , very much more definite choices were made : ‘ Newsom ’ courses for those who were to leave , examination courses for most of the rest , with many decisions then to be taken about which subjects to drop , and which to pursue .
6 Moreover , and as a result of growing numbers in the town and in the school , a building programme had been approved to provide about 600 new places : no decision had been taken about how or where they should be deployed .
7 According to a report in NIN ( 9 November 1986 ) , the memorandum claimed that the prewar Comintern was hostile to Serbia , that the Serbian delegates to the second session of the Anti-fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia in 1943 ( at which major decisions were taken about the postwar composition of Yugoslavia ) were elected not by organizations within Serbia but by Serbian personnel who were in the partisan armies in Bosnia and Herzegovina at that time , and that postwar Yugoslavia was largely under the control of Tito , a Croat , and Kardelj , a Slovene .
8 On 11th February , in the second week of the new session of Parliament , Tite asked Hall what steps were being taken about new Government Offices .
9 these people are key professionals who often influence the policy decisions made by locally elected members within the committee structure of local government , particularly when major decisions are taken about educational issues .
10 It is the responsibility of all candidates to find out their results and of unsuccessful candidates to request their course director or senior course tutor to provide them with a written record of the decision which the Board of Examiners has taken about their progress .
11 Every chassemarée would have easily held 60 men and the landing would have taken about the same space of time …
12 • Point taken about the computers , Joel , but let's be realistic — the Speccy was great in its day , but it 's a bit long in the tooth now .
13 Her father 's biographer , Dr J.H. Clarke , mentioned the Bishop as an ancestor and added : ‘ The name Compton was taken about the year 1770 , on the marriage of James 's grandfather with a Miss Compton of Hampshire , a lady of large fortune , at whose desire the addition was made . ’
14 It was from this perspective that I undertook a research project aimed at exploring how members of a variety of professional groups from medical , social service and legal agencies came to recognise , or suspect , that some children are being abused , and how decisions are taken about those children .
15 Decisions were being taken about his future which no one could explain to him .
16 Decisions also have to be taken about the admission of students : how many and on what basis ?
17 Decisions had to be taken about which information was best presented in the form of bar-charts , and which was more suited to pie-charts or line graphs .
18 Electronic publishing software is upgraded , on average , every 18 months and decisions need to be taken about how , and when , to carry out these and what training to provide .
19 Much of the social life evolves around the patio at Cosmos , where decisions are taken about which taverna to visit for supper , and whether or not to meet later at a bar or disco .
20 Much of the social life evolves around the poolside , where decisions are taken about where to eat for supper , and whether or not to meet at the terrace bar in the village afterwards .
21 By making all financial reports directly comparable , better decisions can be taken about whether resources would not be better spent in different areas or in different amounts .
22 In case building increases and further developments are needed , the feasibility of new settlements near to Kirknewton , Winchburgh and Longniddry will be looked at , but no decisions will be taken about these until detailed studies are completed .
23 On the other hand , one 's belief as to which provides the ‘ best model ’ may be critical in determining the view taken about government policy .
24 Aggression , sleeping rough , unstable sexual relationships , heavy drinking , fighting , loud and lewd behaviour , the actions that you see men performing every day on our city streets , can all go against women when decisions are being taken about where they should be sent .
25 But even if it were possible , it would be actively undesirable to seek to impose precise uniformity in relation to every decision taken about the treatment of health service patients , because that would mean that no individual within the health service could try a different approach without first having had it cleared through a myriad of different committees .
26 A sample of all juvenile cases referred for criminal behaviour in one calendar month in two police force areas collected and followed up to examine the decisions taken about them .
27 In connection with the opposition to private legislation , care should be taken about accepting mere assurances of good intentions or generalised statements that the client is not affected .
28 Herrigel said that no decision had been taken about whether the new currency would be linked to the rand or to a basket of international currencies .
29 Alan Coulson provided a summary of the balance of views taken about headship potential in the field of management in Clarkson ( 1988 ) .
30 Erm I I get the impression from what you 're saying is that there is a distinct strategic view which should be taken about York and its role , which in a way would tend to limit the amount of housing development you should be putting in and around York .
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