Example sentences of "taken by " in BNC.

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1 This took such forms as the praise of regionalism in the United States in the 1930s , Marxist criticism in London or New York , or Communist positions taken by Italian critics after the Second World War .
2 Such caution is prudent in a business where errors of judgement can be extremely expensive ; at least the reader of an auction catalogue knows clearly what view has been taken by the cataloguer on a number of questions .
3 Care has to be taken by a critic in any of these cases to describe works as definitely as possible .
4 To simplify a rather complex historical phenomenon , it can be said that the present political division between Fianna Fail and Fine Gael originates in positions taken by opponents in that war .
5 However , it is the further legitimation given to a particular socio-ethical form of political religion in the constitution and to the implied authority of religious intellectuals in deciding in concreto what must be taken by the state as in the interests of the common good which gives to conflict in Ireland between the two alliances its political religious dimension in the sphere of law .
6 The position taken by the protestant churches , and the newspaper articles and television debates which preceded the referendum appear to have affected public opinion .
7 The next significant event of constitutional relevance was the important initiative taken by the nationalist parties in Ireland in 1983–4 , the New Ireland Forum .
8 Bill , the first footman , who had nothing to tell him , said his foot itched to kick him up the b.t.m. , while Mary said she felt she was being taken by one of those continental gigolos to the Strand Corner House , as a preliminary to being seduced .
9 Their place has been taken by a row of ‘ Argenta ’ leeks raised in the seed bed and dibbled into 6in holes spaced about a foot apart .
10 However , during training , decisions such as when to leave the lift and start to get back to the field are too often taken by the instructor .
11 Unfortunately , the ladies doubles final had to be cancelled , but the men 's title was taken by Pashley and Carswell .
12 The legal unit will keep groups informed as necessary , but we expect that no action will need to be taken by existing recognised groups in any case .
13 Original gravity ( OG ) is not strictly an indication of strength but is the measurement taken by excise officers at the start of the fermentation process to see how much sugar is present in the brew .
14 A short walk from this belvedere takes you to a wonderful steep wall which at its outer edge is taken by the final pitches of some famous harder routes like Spitophage Pervers and Dingomaniaque .
15 Two-year old bantam hen Betty was so taken by a pair of new-born Jack Russell pups , she decided to take them under her wing .
16 The two central characters are both academic teachers of English : Morris Zapp is one of the biggest guns in the Plotinus faculty , who elects to take a visiting professorship at Rummidge in order to escape from his marital problems ; his place is taken by Phillip Swallow , a naïve , amiable , unambitious Rummidge lecturer .
17 This poem , now entitled ‘ The Mediterranean ’ , was originally called ‘ picnic at Cassis ’ , and that first title invaluably brings out the occasion of the poem — that is to say , a holiday excursion by boat taken by expatriate Americans along the coast of Southern France .
18 The NUM leader — vice-chairman of the constituency party — said any such decision would have to be taken by the Yorkshire area of the NUM .
19 His place in the second row is taken by Scotland 's Damian Cronin , with England 's Rob Andrew taking over the captaincy .
20 Mr Stuart 's place will in turn be taken by Peter Jansen , deputy chairman and group chief executive of Caradon .
21 Fifth place in the top-earners league was taken by an unnamed director of Palmerston Holdings , the property company , who boosted his £20,000 basic pay to £911,608 with a bonus linked to growth in net assets .
22 His place will be taken by Jez Harris in one of three changes from the team beaten at Llanelli , Alan Warwood coming into the centre for the local county captain , Kevin McDonald , and Malcolm Foulkes-Arnold replacing Alex Gissing in the second row .
23 Hence photographs of herself taken by a lover look like lots of different women .
24 After last week 's Revenue announcement that more than £1bn had beep taken by Personal Equity Plans , two new PEPs have been launched this week by stockbrokers Credit Suisse Buckmaster & Moore and life insurance giant Norwich Union .
25 50 per cent taken by Brussels ?
26 Any decision on taxation has to be taken by the member states unanimously and there now seems little hope that the Commission can deflect them from the course they set out upon yesterday .
27 Their action effectively scuppered six years of negotiations , since all decisions taken by the 22 signatories to the 1959 Washington Treaty — the framework for the political and environmental protection of Antarctica - must be unanimous .
28 ‘ One must recognise that these polls take place , but also carefully remember that a decision about any vacancy that takes place is taken by my colleagues in the House of Commons , and not the general public . ’
29 The British-based Environmental Investigation Agency says in a brochure , A system of extention , that ‘ the scale of abuse of the responsibilities entrusted to the secretariat of the parties ( CITES 103 member nations ) has become so widespread , and the extensive manipulations to prevent a ban on the ivory trade so obvious and desperate , that there is no longer any doubt about the ivory trade 's grip on major decisions being taken by the secretariat ’ .
30 One option is to have ‘ basic ’ degree courses , followed by an extra year which would be taken by those wishing ultimately to pursue a career related to their chosen subject .
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