Example sentences of "to make its " in BNC.

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1 Like an agouti : it is going to make its nest on that spot , come wind or rain , hell or high water !
2 Her heart cramped now as she thought of her husband 's folly in plumping for the easy money , as it had seemed , after three bad harvests — his airy promise to come home soon — his failure to return after his regiment had been disbanded in Madras and left to make its own way back round half the world .
3 Every movement on stage has to be a conscious effort on the dancer 's part if it is to make its proper impact .
4 This has urged Bosch to make its debut in the security products market with a range of sensor-controlled security lights , movement detectors , and mini alarms .
5 It should press for Nato to make its objective the removal of all short-range tactical nuclear weapons from Europe — the third zero option .
6 In an effort to create more atmosphere at Longchamp , Horse Racing Abroad , the chief transporter of Britons to French tracks , has its own grandstands , bars ( stocking drinks the British are used to ) , restaurants and betting facilities at the course to make its clients feel at home .
7 The sensitivity of our topic in Northern Ireland can only lead us to make its problems manifest to readers in order for them to be able better to assess the reliability of the data .
8 It follows rivers to find an area where there is suitable stony ground to make its nest .
9 The government managed to make its legislation ‘ stick ’ , in contrast to Mr Heath 's experience , and has refuted the old ‘ liberal ’ view that the courts did not have a useful role to play in industrial relations .
10 He had a pond dug for them , so pretty and sweet , surrounded by bullrushes with a delicate arched bridge and floating with water lilies — Not realising that a real dragon needs a whole ocean to sport in , needs the spume of the white capped waves , needs the great storms and clanging icebergs , needs the coral islands of the southern seas , needs the dark rains and winds and currents to make its blood flow green and its whiskers curl ferociously .
11 Waiting in the wings is the C112 supercar , powered , we now believe , by the new V12 engine and set to make its first public appearance at the Frankfurt show in September .
12 The definitive chassis , designed by Englishman Tony Southgate , is expected to make its debut in the last two WSC races this year .
13 The town of Bolton has just announced that it is to make its football hero , Nat Lofthouse , a freeman of the borough .
14 THE town of Bolton has just announced it is to make its football idol Nat Lofthouse a freeman of the borough .
15 Yet it seems hardly less lacking in vitality , and manages to make its commendably brief duration of 86 minutes feel like a great many more as it toils though a youthful crisis of conscience .
16 Once assertiveness starts coming more naturally to Germany , as naturally it will , might the Kohl sort of Germany want to make its political weight in the Community match its economic power , and be more protective of German minorities across its borders ?
17 Servio Logic has tried to make its object-oriented database easy to modify , on the grounds that complex data is likely also to be fast-changing .
18 Warm sunny weather is essential during harvesting of the crop to enable the plant to make its fragrant oil .
19 Christianity was slower to make its way in the West and its adherents slower to assimilate the culture of their pagan contemporaries .
20 They saw it as a series of failures , lapses from the ideal procedures by which a community ought to make its political decisions .
21 Reluctance and preconceived distrust of one 's subjects , such as Mary showed , are a quite abnormal approach to royal rule , and one which was bound to make its own abnormal impact on her country .
22 Sherwood is also hoping to make its shares more attractive to private investors with a 4-for-1 bonus issue .
23 THIS year Waterford Wedgwood is set to make its first profit since 1988 and the first of any size since 1986 .
24 The Government is also expected to make its long-awaited decision on equality of pension payments by the end of the year .
25 But Ramsden 's ( illustrated ) did n't have to wait for television to make its name .
26 Labour had to make its case afresh .
27 The Association was non-political but was prepared to use political means to make its voice heard .
28 Nevertheless , it was this detested regime which managed to make its mark in the New World , for the successful urban renewal of Paris combined with the great prestige which the city enjoyed as a centre of art and culture drew to it Americans of all kinds .
29 It seems that , carried away by the feverish and bellicose atmosphere which was evident both on the streets of Paris and in the Assembly , Ollivier and Gramont strayed from the prepared text , firm but non-provocative in tone , and proceeded to make its content more aggressive .
30 Under Dayan , Israel took a series of measures to make its occupation permanent .
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