Example sentences of "to make [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They 've liaised with other organisations to make sure I 've got somebody coming in , even if it 's only to make me something to eat .
2 It fulfilled none of my expectations and seemed to be merely trying to make me laugh at the fact that it had left me standing there grasping at nothing .
3 Properly parfumed , to make me debonaire ;
4 Thus , one might characterize one 's grasp on the experience of seeming to see a red object as something is going on in me ( I do n't know what it is ) which is like what goes on when a red object is acting on my eyes ; or … like what goes on in me to make me behave in a red-object-appropriate way .
5 That 's what you want to make me .
6 I 've not seen anything since then to make me doubt that . ’
7 There have been fund-raising events , back-to-school meetings and enough notes sent home to make me wish I could employ a filing clerk .
8 It is not enough to make me forget that the owl remains elsewhere .
9 The river bottom was ridged sand , a difficult and unkind footing , that combined with the cold and the rush to make me want to go fast while forcing me to go slow .
10 It used to make me and Annie sneeze if we got too close .
11 At this moment two people grabbed me to try to make me get up but I could not get up , so they kicked me and stamped all over me from head to toe .
12 I find that wilfulness in itself is enough to make me turn away from something .
13 When she arrived at Walsall , she informed Edward that Mrs Noble , after sending her earlier a ‘ vulgar and jeering ’ letter in which ‘ She does her best to make me doubt you ’ , had forbidden them to meet or correspond until Helen reached years of discretion — her twenty-first birthday on 11 July 1898 .
14 I was damned if some nineteen-year-old pipsqueak with zits and a clip-on tie was going to make me feel loathsome .
15 The ‘ sir ’ is supposed to make me feel better .
16 I stood in that upper gallery where I first saw Dana and he cast that look upon me which was to make me his slave .
17 ‘ That 's just the sort of thing you would do — to make yourself look big — to make me look a fool .
18 ‘ I 've lost track , ’ said Bella , ‘ they must have give me something to make me sleep .
19 ‘ I tried to get a £1,000 overdraft from my bank , but they tried to make me take out a lot of loans .
20 The gloom that fell upon me was deep enough to make me want to die .
21 My family kept trying to make me , to make me feel OK about myself .
22 My family kept trying to make me , to make me feel OK about myself .
23 She said carrying the water up from the well had taken a great deal of time which , when I saw her filling the bucket , I was not surprised since she lowered the rope slow enough to make me fall asleep watching .
24 Certainly nothing happened in my personal experience in the last six or so months to make me change my mind about Labour unelectability .
25 I am a pawn and bishop down after 12 moves , but have only half an eye on the game now , which seems to make me play better , or Sergei play worse , for he has pushed up his queen too far and is having trouble defending it .
26 By July he hoped to be able to meet Butcher at Cheam , a property where the fourth Duke had spent his early married life ; but only if the weather proved favourable , ‘ for I have had the Rheumatism so bad of late , as to make me fearful of riding in the wet ’ .
27 She was , however , immensely enthusiastic and encouraging , trying to make me think of the enterprise as a holiday as well as a mission with a sad and serious purpose .
28 Though you 're doing your best to make me forget it !
29 But you do your best to make me stop caring .
30 Ashamed of having frightened me , he looked at me sweetly and began to sing Italian songs to make me forget the incident ’ .
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