Example sentences of "state the " in BNC.

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1 To reach an aerobic state the heartbeat must be taken above 120 beats per minute and maintained above this level for twenty minutes .
2 The root of the problem is that there is no Non-Conformist equivalent of the church commissioners who , as well as contributing in large measure to Church of England clergy stipends , share with the state the responsibility for providing the Redundant Churches Fund .
3 MC TUNES/808 STATE The Only Rhyme That Bites ( WEA ) Loud rap , The Big Country , and a sound that 's miles away from ‘ Pacific State ’
4 In considering the core issue of the authority of the state the most important conclusion is in the relative independence of identification with one 's community as a non-instrumental basis of authority , which is none the less subject to limits imposed by the normal justification thesis .
5 In her report to the Secretary of State the inspector concluded that the additional pollution would be small and that the design of the plant was such that the emission should he odourless , the sulphur dioxide properly dispersed , the grit and dust unharmful to local residents .
6 Although most existing powers and responsibilities over the delivery of health services and the production of utilities , such as electricity and gas , were effectively removed by post-war nationalization , within the welfare state the role of councils was substantially increased , building on responsibilities some of them had already claimed in the inter-war period .
7 Accepting that eventually two professors would be necessary , the meeting felt that in its then poor financial state the College might have to make do with one professor plus one subordinate teacher .
8 The South African domestic season thus finished with Eastern Province winning the Castle Cup ( four-Day and the night series ( 45 overs ) , and Free State the Nissan Shield ( 55 overs ) , Eastern Province were the beaten finalists in the latter competition and could thus justifiably regard themselves as South Africa 's champion team .
9 The right of establishment also gives companies incorporated in one member state the right to establish agencies or subsidiaries in other member states .
10 Where the branch manufactures a product ( such as a car ) the standards it must comply with are those of the host member state ; conversely , where it sells a product made in its home member state the manufacturing standards of the home member state are normally the relevant ones , although the rules of the host member state would apply to its advertising in that state provided that they are justified as being for the public good .
11 Once they reach this state the fry will move away from the nest and face the dangers of life on their own without their father 's protection .
12 Would it be possible for any such unit of paid council employees to negotiate with the local state the demands and needs of the oppressed ?
13 In this state the brain is receptive to positive healing suggestions made to the patient , whether by the therapist or by the patient himself .
14 Without any direct contact , it 's difficult to know what state the negotiations are in .
15 Just as within a state the law may be more effective in responding to armed robbery than it is at responding to a military coup d'état , so in relations between states the law may be better at laying down detailed provisions for the treatment of prisoners of war than it is at addressing the potential human catastrophe of a nuclear war .
16 When he saw the state the girl was in he sat her in an armchair and sent his adjutant to get her something to drink .
17 Transvaal , who had beaten Western Province the week before , bounced back from the Baa-Baas defeat with a win against Free State the week after .
18 If they will give the State the part of their collections considered by experts to be an important part of Russia 's national heritage , they may get permission to export the remainder .
19 Chapter 9 , however , relates to the special features within a markedly different environment of industrial relations in Third World , developing countries , where not only is the state the largest single employer and the number of wage-earners a small part of the economically active population , but in addition the trade unions perform a dual role .
20 Even in their weakened state the Dragon Princes are still formidable .
21 The regulations then stipulate that before a report is submitted to the Secretary of State the inspector conducting the investigation shall inform everyone whose reputation is , in the inspector 's opinion , likely to be adversely affected by the report , inviting them to make representations , i.e. to argue any point or signify any disagreement with his conclusions .
22 By the time that significant numbers of NMDA channels are in an open state the neuron has been hyperpolarized by the i.p.s.p. and this greatly enhances the block of NMDA channels by Mg 2+ ( ref. 22 ) .
23 IN THEIR most rudimentary state the returns which form the basis of this study amount to nothing more exciting than parallel columns of names and sums of money flanked , in the musters , by notes of military particulars .
24 For the State the system was unsatisfactory because so little revenue found its way to Moscow , yet fixed salaries were beyond the government 's means .
25 So , a relatively small public sector in the economy is added to a pluralist arbitrating role for the state , to deny the state the power or authority to command .
26 The fiction/concession theory saw the company as entirely the creature of the state and therefore potentially accorded to the state the power to regulate and control the company as it saw fit .
27 In the Praemium Imperiale the sinister absurdities of prize-giving reach a preposterous degree , with the spurious reputation of an invasive state the real prize and objective a worthy winner would publicly refuse his commemorative medal and give his Y15 million straight away to Greenpeace .
28 This claim was thoroughly undermined by the events of 1914 , however , as in state after state the working class rallied to its national flag and volunteered to fight the Great War .
29 Article 20 of the Brussels Convention provides that where a defendant domiciled in one Contracting State is sued in a court of another Contracting State the court shall stay the proceedings so long as it is not shown that the defendant has been able to receive the document instituting the proceedings or an equivalent document in sufficient time to enable him to arrange for his defence , or that all necessary steps have been taken to this end .
30 The state of destination is given a discretion ( though the convention does not specify by which organ of the state the discretion is to be exercised ) to execute a letter rogatory which does not indicate the person to be held responsible for the costs and expenses ; the point here is that there is a discretion to refuse to execute letters in such circumstances .
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