Example sentences of "taken [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Best taken aboard the boats Growler and Mariner 11 at 7 lb .
2 They were taken aboard the fishing boat , and they found the only word they had in common with the fishermen was Koepang .
3 He may be taken as an example of a first type of critic , the advocate .
4 Secondly , there is the problem of the Northern catholic community , which tends to be taken as a monolithic nationalist community .
5 He paused , and this was taken as a signal for a round of cheers and shouts .
6 For telegraphic traffic however it is taken as 48 .
7 The rigidity of American standards is closely related to the seriousness with which meritocracy and classlessness are taken as ideals .
8 Now North had the problem - would Three Spades be taken as a probe for no-trumps ( denying a guard in the suit ) or some sort of control-showing bid agreeing hearts ?
9 The inner cabinet was split along party lines six to six , but tied votes are taken as votes against , writes Charles Richards .
10 The significance of an offer of compensation is that it may be taken as a token of the defendant 's remorse , and that it redresses the private loss of the victim , and to that extent and no other it plays a part in the sentencing exercise .
11 This should be taken as a message both to the Western allies and the Soviet Union that West Germany 's first concern is the gradual , well-disciplined reform of East German society , not the country 's destruction and its absorption into West Germany .
12 She was taken as a child from Virginia to the plains of Nebraska , whose earth and immigrant farmers form the subject of her central fiction .
13 However , ‘ fun ’ does not translate for the community relations policemen as something opposite to work : the ‘ fun ’ is taken as a serious job of work .
14 That would produce both balance and variety in the media taken as a whole .
15 The final Russian snub , though it does not appear to have been taken as such by the Belorussians , came in January 1921 when the Belorussian SSR was constituted .
16 It had recently withdrawn the ice-breaker Endurance , generally taken as a clear sign of retreat .
17 This was taken as proof that the class was inferior to , and separate from , the main school .
18 Charlie 's crack could be taken as a compliment and as such , to the relief of George and Jack , Maurice took it .
19 Small took out a knife and skinned the lambs : bone and sinew were mangled behind their necks , and there was much blood , showing that the lambs had been killed by foxes , rather than taken as carrion by crows .
20 Even today , when the tottering of a Goldcrest or TESE is taken as a sign that the film industry is going under , it 's assumed that big companies are the key to surviving in the film business , because that 's the way they do things in LA .
21 Pearson 's enforced demotion within his own company , and the distaste shown by his partners for experiments that veered too sharply away from the comedies that had established Welsh-Pearson 's reputation , is generally taken as evidence of the conservatism inherent in the film industry .
22 Last night , Mr Krenz told a Communist Party rally that the new travel regulations , allowing East Germans to go to the West whenever they wish , should be taken as proof that the government was ‘ serious about the policy of renewal ’ .
23 The implication was that Gen Noreiga 's bravado could in no legal sense be taken as a declaration of hostilities .
24 If the percentage increase in eps is taken as the key measure , companies which begin with very low earnings have an unfair advantage .
25 Music that could never be taken as light entertainment .
26 It had not been taken as a result of the breakdown in 1946 of Anglo-American atomic cooperation .
27 The figure of 165,000 could be taken as the basis for further negotiation , because no one could tell how regular recruiting would go .
28 It feeds on a wide variety of fish — 43 different species are known to be taken as prey .
29 Indeed , West German officials in Brussels find that the prospect of German unity can make it easier to extract concessions from Bonn : the words ‘ but minister , this will be taken as a sign of German nationalism ’ work wonders .
30 Mrs Cresson 's appointment is being taken as a shift to the left , particularly in view of the exclusion of seven of the centrist ministers , and as a shift towards protectionism , with the departure of Roger Fauroux , the old cabinet 's loudest free-trader .
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