Example sentences of "long night " in BNC.

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1 A long night , he wrote .
2 When confiding the news to Greeves , he said , ‘ My long night talk with Dyson and Tolkien had a good deal to do with it . ’
3 Similarly , Mr Yeltsin , like Mr Gorbachev , was born into a peasant family during the calamitous 1930s and came to political maturity during the first days of Khrushchev , when hope began to dawn after Stalin 's long night .
4 Cast your mind back to my description of the girl in the coffee bar , the one I gazed at earlier on in this long night , the coldest night of the year .
5 Relatively comfortable himself , Charsky suffered every moment of the long night with Kurz .
6 During the long night Charsky managed to find his voice ; he called out , ‘ Stefano ! ’
7 The confessions , recriminations and bubbling bile of this long night 's drinking into dawn make for increasingly compulsive viewing .
8 Election ‘ 92 : Long night of party politics
9 His reappearance after a long night of uncertainty prompted scenes of rejoicing among Palestinians around the Middle East .
10 The mayor appealed to both sides to spare the city 's Turkish-era centre as terrified residents prepared for a long night in cellar shelters .
11 But a far better early evening occupation is to watch the sky slip from pink through mauve to deepest purple and reflect on what you 're missing : the shop-till-you-drop malls of Singapore or another long night on the Jumbo .
12 And now I must pack up and take the road ; you 'll be keeping me company on a long night march , although I know you 're asleep in our nice warm bed …
13 It was a long , long night .
14 It is not a question of being frightened of the dark ( although it can be pretty spooky on an out-of-the-way water ) , it is because I enjoy good company and a long night becomes more enjoyable with someone there to chat with ; to share the pleasure of catching big fish , or the lesser pleasure of blanking .
15 Do they know who lies beside them the long night through , under the overhanging cliffs recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as having the only sunless spot in Britain , summer or winter ?
16 After a long night of much study and little real sleep , he had to partake of breakfast with little appetite , really too tired to eat .
17 He thought , after his long night with Rab , swinging fortunes , to sleep the afternoon .
18 Rab , his illness , his long night 's play ; he still felt awful tired .
19 ‘ It 's going to be a long night , ’ he said , and he turned to Creed , who had just walked into the room , and smiled .
20 Some people find it impossible to sleep a wink on a long night journey in a train .
21 Once , after a long night spent putting up posters , Paul Simonon heated up the remainder of the flour and water paste on a rusty blade and ate it .
22 The failure of the PDPA 's vision of ‘ progress ’ may presage yet another long night for the Afghan people .
23 He saw the indiscreet movement of the CI5 man across the road , and guessed that the man 's attention had been distracted after the long night 's watch , and he had missed the car 's departure .
24 Crack of dawn after a long night … made himself coffee and got back to the station as the car was disappearing from view .
25 A Long Night 's Work
26 ‘ It was a long night 's work wasted . ’
27 We are all somewhat the worse for wear after a long night in the hotel bar .
28 We were already worn down by the long night and another was almost unthinkable — our sleeping bags would be a frozen mass of down by evening .
29 He did not wait for the servants to open the doors , but just pushed through into the entrance hall , and then into the great ballroom where a score of painters and upholsterers were finishing a long night 's work during which they had transformed the ballroom into a silk-hung fantasy .
30 The obsessive vision that propels and sustains Birdy on his long night has a once-in-a-lifetime quality about it , a quirkiness that does not augur well for a successor …
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