Example sentences of "long life " in BNC.

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1 Radio signalling made more than a debut , helping toward the achievement of one of the decade 's miracles , not only the survival but with greater expectation of long life of much of the Highland lines and many more .
2 After a time teaching in a Scottish school , Fettes , the degree got him a fellowship in mathematics at his own college of Magdalene ; where he remained the rest of his long life — teaching mathematics , holding various college offices , going every week to Emmanuel Congregational chapel , and becoming after a time one of its deacons or church officers .
3 For Tibetan freedom and for thousands of years of long life for His Holiness the Dalai Lama — and because the Chinese should leave Tibet .
4 For all her tempering in the fires of history , she remained an impassioned idealist to the end of her long life , though with enough self-knowledge and self-irony to be able to record what Milena Jesenska said about the difference between them — ‘ What an incurable girl guide you are .
5 Ruth Hill-Williams writes : J.P.M.Millar had a long life ( obituary , December 7 ) , and his death signals the end of an era .
6 It is called Long Life .
7 That evening I went to see an old friend ( that is , old in years ) in case out of the experience of a long life she might bring forth words of wisdom .
8 It 's not much to ask for , at the end of a long life . ’
9 ‘ I am not a gambler , I look at ten year careers not ten minute careers and I believe Kylie has all the potential necessary to have a very long life span in this business , ’ he said .
10 You have had a long life of service and time to look back on it and if I did not know how your arthritis troubles you and with what difficulty you pen your kind notes I would ask you to help me in this .
11 Even Archibald earl of Argyll , nearing the end of a long life noted mainly for a remarkable inability to make decisions , now found ‘ boldness ’ in him ; he ‘ reformed many things ’ , we are told , and , despite the strictures of archbishop Hamilton , he maintained the Protestant preacher John Douglas in his household .
12 At the war 's end , charity assembled to comfort her for a brief moment and whilst wishing her long life , nevertheless dispersed and never reassembled .
13 The play takes place in the Sussex home of Mrs St Maugham , an encrusted relic of Edwardian values who has lived her long life ‘ without affection ’ .
14 Hovercraft , nearing the end of their long life which began in 1959 with SRN1 , will be replaced by SeaCats .
15 Diesel Cars : Long life and more miles for the family
16 Fur collar hunched round his shoulders , flat hat askew , he was surrounded by a background warm with a sense of movement , an atmosphere thronged with the memories and moments of a long life .
17 The imposition of Christianity upon the greater part of Saxony took Charles until the very end of his long life .
18 Every day the diary had to be filled ; an important day-to-day record of garden affairs was imperative for his writing and current Work for his publishers called for continued attention , because throughout his long life editions of the Dictionary and the Abridgement needed revision and extension .
19 If properly fitted to the shaft the boot has a long life .
20 So regular waxoiling and preventative maintenance , is the secret to long life and reliable service .
21 A shift to simple wholesome living could bring long life to many more .
22 Shouting rude jokes , they dumped him in beside her , drank a toast of long life and many babes to the happy pair , blew out the candle and reeled out to continue their feasting in the hall .
23 I 've had a good long life — well , a long life , eh , Father Kenneth ? — and I 'm not right done yet .
24 I 've had a good long life — well , a long life , eh , Father Kenneth ? — and I 'm not right done yet .
25 Nevertheless , this peculiar combination had a long life and was destined to reappear in the Middle Ages as the Albigensian heresy that flourished for a while in southern France but was eventually crushed in the first quarter of the thirteenth century by the northern French at the command of the most powerful of the medieval Popes , Innocent III .
26 In my case , and I am sure I am not alone in this , I can picture in my mind 's eye every summit I have reached in a long life without confusion of identity .
27 Then my Cid alighted when he had said this , and the ladies knelt down before him , and kissed his hand , and wished him long life .
28 Man-at-arms in the type of armour combining leather and iron developed towards the close of Barbarossa 's long life .
29 Because of their traditional background they are easy to handle and have a notably long life : one cow produced and reared 30 calves of her own .
30 He spent a long life as a rector and was a Canon of St Patrick 's , Armagh .
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