Example sentences of "men [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The other men snored , talked in their sleep — one or two shouted incomprehensible words — farted , belched , coughed , sneezed , swore , hawked and spat .
2 The wind carried the shouts of the guards away from us so that they sounded like the shouts of men drowning .
3 They want to know whether today 's men are better fathers , whether men will ever open up at the breakfast table , whether male impotence is on the rise , whether men suffer from their own form of menopause , whether men will cultivate any interest in pastimes more enlightened than football and snooker .
4 But what is almost certain is that around 60% of sufferers have some sort of genetic susceptibility to it , and three times as many women as men suffer from this distressing condition .
5 Many men suffer from this driver ; as children they were often told by their parents : ‘ Be strong !
6 The reason why so many more women than men suffer from Cystitis is partly explained by the way their bodies are made .
7 Circuit judge John Lee , 65 , told a court that all men suffer because women enjoy making their lives a misery .
8 I think women get depressed but men suffer from stress which is somehow more respectable it 's more macho , it 's associated
9 Is not the Minister aware that it has been known for some time that four times as many women as men suffer the chronic pain that comes from the loss of movement in and the fracture of hip joints ?
10 Now , if she were seated in her old place , wedged between the window and Penini , with his mother opposite encircled in her husband 's arms , or , if the men rode alongside or travelled on the outside of the carriage , sitting with her mistress while Pen and Flush lay on the other seat — now she would feel stifled , trapped , longing to get out .
11 Although the two men rode together to Granada , Rodrigo made the mistake of pitching his tents closer than Alfonso 's to the walls of the city .
12 He rode next to me , and his men rode between me and my friends .
13 But just then , three men rode round from the front of the castle .
14 There were earthenware pots for sale , and men rode through the crowd on horseback .
15 With the advent of Mitch 's immediate departure , Felipe had softened somewhat , but Maggie noticed that one of the men rode discreetly behind them .
16 The two men rode down the narrow alleyways where the great four-storey houses were interspaced with the ramshackle cottages and lean-tos of the workmen and artisans .
17 Men rode alongside , chests bursting with pride — smoked cheroots and guzzled strong beer .
18 Jacob ducked outside the tent and began shouting for his men to gather around .
19 But we are comparatively fortunate ; we might have been left to sift the world field of human nomenclature , like two blind men looting a bazaar for their own portraits …
20 In George Henry Lee 's an angel with silver wings spun above three Wise Men kneeling in cotton wool snow .
21 ‘ I 've heard that old men lose their interest in women . ’
22 If the men lose their appeal they could face additional costs of several thousand pounds .
23 The last thing she saw was the audience of men gazing at her curiously as her body was handled like a lump of meat .
24 Jewish men make themselves more holy by separating from Jewish women , both to avoid women 's impurity and to seek a holy space for prayer and relation to God , defined by the exclusion of the female .
25 All the iron men make them for keepsakes .
26 In many religions , men make idols and images to represent their deities ; in a similar way these mystic images are mental icons or sacred images of the other world .
27 Women who find that homosexual men make wonderful friends , may be reflecting the fact that the freedom from preoccupation with physical sex leaves the relationship wide open to a full range of shared experiences which should be enjoyed freely between heterosexual men and women too .
28 At the factory , men make many candles by hand , dipping a wick in wax over and over again — work performed by machines in most rival companies .
29 You may be able to feel this hum when you say ‘ Many men make much money ’ , ‘ homme , farmm , hamm ’ , lingering on the ‘ hum ’ in these words .
30 Both sexes have need of the night , both have access to it , but it could be said that women represent that force more , and may sometimes be the means through which men make contact with it .
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