Example sentences of "took [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Julia took Annunziata 's hand at once and said with desperate urgency :
2 In the north of Eritrea , EPLF forces moved into the regional capital of Asmara on May 24 , and took Assab from demoralized government troops on May 25 .
3 Like all ages , the late Middle Ages had its critics who took swipes at the activities of soldiers .
4 Popham probably bought the debts and took Littlecote .
5 We took Ben to the vet and he was given a course of antibiotics , which seemed to do the trick .
6 The children took Ben for long walks , again crossing the rape fields .
7 At last , RAF helicopters came and took Ben and the other injured boy to hospital .
8 Like Powdermaker ( 1967 ) , who recorded fieldnotes in Mississippi only when she was away from her field data , I found I only took notes at the time if I was willing to risk begin interrogated about what I was going to do with the information I was recording .
9 Throughout the day , Mr Springer diligently took notes , nodding when members complained that the Communists had no economic programme to match Solidarity 's , and when others questioned the acceptance of privatisation .
10 The first three gospels contain no reference to Christ 's having made any such great discourses as fill chapters 13–16 of St John , and since it seems unlikely that the author of the Gospel took notes during the utterance of this sublime discourse , we have to assume them to be a literary creation .
11 Everywhere he took notes in shorthand .
12 Our reporter Laura Suffield took notes
13 ‘ ( I ) rarely took notes during the thousands of informal conversational interviews .
14 ‘ Our dynamic legislative leaders drank coffee and occasionally took notes , but they rarely were given a chance to say anything . ’
15 At the very least it would greatly increase the speed at which you took notes and also reduce a little of the bulk of your burgeoning files !
16 She took notes steadily throughout our discussion .
17 Neither took notes during their observation .
18 erm in a very interested book called Darwin on Man recently by a psychologist called Gruber , Gruber has argued that Darwin had a conviction which could be expressed by saying that things which are natural are necessarily gradual , and things which are sudden are miraculous and not natural , that he had this equation in his mind erm long before he erm became and evolutionist , long before he abandoned his belief in religion which he largely did later , and Gruber traces it back , interestingly enough , to the arguments of a theologian , Sumner , who later became an Archbishop , who Darwin took notes on his ideas when he was a student at Cambridge erm which are still extent , and what Sumner had argued , among other things , was that a good argument for believing in the divinity of Christ , that Christ was divine rather than simply being a gifted teacher , was the suddenness with which the beliefs of the ancient world were transformed by Christ 's teaching .
19 The computation of probabilities took Jezrael only seconds .
20 ‘ Curtis and Ireland took direction . ’
21 Schellenberg took Devlin 's photo from his wallet and passed it across .
22 ‘ Another man-witch , who was sentenced to the galleys for life , said that he had such a pity for the horses which the postillion galloped along the road that he did something to prevent it , which was that he took vervain and said over it the Pater Noster five times and the Ave Maria five times , and then put it on the road so that the horses should cease to run . ’
23 And they took counsel and made a letter for the leader of the army of the Almoravides , wherein they told him that the Cid had made a treaty with the King of Aragon , whereby the King bound himself to help him against them ; and they bade him beware how he came towards Valencia , unless he chose to do battle with eight thousand Christian horsemen , covered with iron , and the best warriors in the world .
24 ‘ Why , my lord , when we were left alone — and I think if they had not been in such haste to move on they would not have left a man of us alive to tell the tale — we first tended the worst hurt , and took counsel , and decided we must take the news on to Ramsey , and also back here to Shrewsbury .
25 The solicitor took counsel 's opinion .
26 Over black coffee and croissants ( Norma partook of a little black cherry jam ) the Leader and chairman of the Tory Party took counsel together .
27 He launched into details of the sporting activities in which he thought she took part .
28 The EC commissioner for external affairs , Frans Andriessen , who took part in the first stage of the negotiations in New York last Friday , will report on progress to Community foreign ministers in Luxembourg today .
29 Pakistani regular army units took part in the summer fighting around Jalalabad , he said , but had moved back , although Pakistani artillery experts , commandos and officers are still fighting with the mujahedin .
30 Only one player , Tawere Nikau , took part in the defeat at St Helens .
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