Example sentences of "often given " in BNC.

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1 Drawings are quite often given survey treatment .
2 However , in this case a decision must be made and is often given on the flimsiest of grounds ( though that is not the fault of the refereeing panel ) .
3 Owner-occupiers are often given no priority on local authority waiting lists , or have no access at all .
4 A final twist is given to this situation ; the fact that women do all of this work is often given as an explanation of their inferiority .
5 If there is an address , it is often given by a layman , who commends what we did in life and skims discreetly over the question of survival , if any .
6 This projection of feeling onto a structure is often given the generic term ‘ tension ’ .
7 The name was often given to women by eighteenth century writers , and may have lost its meaning .
8 It has not often been given to me as a poet , it is perhaps not often given to human beings , to find such ready sympathy , such wit and judgment together .
9 Heart failure is common in patients with high blood pressure , and so these patients were often given thiazides .
10 One reason often given for the dispersal of books is their appearance , and not their physical state — any shabbiness or indication that people might actually be reading them — but the visual appeal of their dust-jacket design .
11 Two other factors are worth mentioning here because they are often given as reasons for dispersals that could not obviously be justified otherwise .
12 The shepherding within the house church movement has also met a need in people seeking direction , howbeit often given in an over-paternalized way .
13 12.8 ) , often given when the director is least aware of it .
14 A kind of intermediary synthesis of information before its eventual distillation into the monograph form , they contain extensive references to books , reports , periodical articles , etc. , and are often given titles such as Advances in … or Progress in … .
15 However , in practice insufficient weight is often given to this aspect of a recruitment policy , so that a firm committed to an internal promotion policy will have to make do with available talent for future promotions .
16 In contemporary sociology , particularly in studies of working-class life , we are often given passages which are enclosed in quotation marks .
17 The type of orientation described above is often given when students have little or no motivation actually to use the library .
18 This approach is often given further credence by ministerial advice and speeches .
19 This question is often given to people applying for a job in management or administration .
20 He was not often given to anger , which required more energy than he had to spare , but two years without life 's bounty , all for a small matter of dealing drugs to his friends , seemed little short of scandalous .
21 In Reims during the early sixteenth century , visiting heads of state were often given wines of various growths from the Montagne de Reims and the Vallée de la Marne to compare with wines from the king 's own vineyards at Aÿ .
22 These low potencies were often given over long periods , and frequently mixtures of different remedies were used .
23 Homoeopathic remedies can also be administered in the form of tinctures , but when material doses are called for , a 3X or 6X potency is more often given .
24 Bach remedies are often given along with homoeopathic remedies and any other therapies such as acupuncture , magnetic field therapy , neural therapy and so on can be added in as indicated .
25 When readers have written in , worried about whether to tell about a secret lover , you 've so often given them the excellent advice : ‘ Keep mum ’ .
26 By 1988 , people were often given only six hours ' notice — sometimes less — of the imminence of their removal to new homes and the destruction of their old ones .
27 We have already noted that agents are often given considerable discretion by lenders .
28 The other reason most often given for government ownership is that government needs a voice of its own and can not rely on the privately owned press .
29 This call is most often given just after the female has laid an egg and may be used to attract males for further mating .
30 The advice often given is to dip heavily-populated rocks in boiling water to eradicate the pest .
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