Example sentences of "often to " in BNC.

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1 It was also during the winter months that vines were taken down from their wires and their ends tied ( often to the water pipes ) so that they formed a large bow shape .
2 Many jazz-players , often to the detriment of their later careers , rise to prominence through a single performance or achievement and find themselves saddled with an epithet expressing public expectations .
3 He was most often to be found in that jazz Mecca , Dobell 's Record Shop in Tower Street , where he was happy to reminisce about earlier times and to discuss who played what on the records from his heyday .
4 Quite apart from educational and other handicaps , this was one reason why they and even their social betters took so little part in government , leaving it so often to Balts or Germans before 1917 , and to other non-Russians after that date .
5 I liked those words and repeated them often to myself .
6 Although for many applications the costs are negligible , they raise their heads too often to be ignored .
7 He had n't expected either that the Mess would be in a château , that the furniture would be impressively of its period — no worn armchairs or bits of junk in a state of collapse from subalterns ' games , as so often to be found in the messes of his experience , or indeed that his welcome would be so unaffectedly cordial .
8 In the home however , they soon adapt to their owner 's timetable , often to the extent that deviations from it induce erratic behaviour which can develop into a full-blown eating disorder .
9 The problem with Seawright was that he openly voiced what many people took to be the true feelings of Democratic Unionists , often to the embarrassment of the DUP spokesmen who were presenting a more moderate position .
10 As in art so in ceremony the ruler came often to be represented as Christ .
11 They are more often to be seen on Irish calendars than in real life ( except as ruins ) , but many survive as comfortable homes .
12 At home the young Kylie , with kid sister Danielle and brother Brendan , would go on family outings , often to the movies .
13 Even when allowance is made for meagre resources , there seemed often to be a wilful and needless callousness to many of these suburban barracks .
14 Miss Sullivan said : ‘ The typical person coming to us is a divorced man in his 30s or 40s who has remarried , often to a woman in her 20s , and wants to start a family .
15 As mayor , he launched a campaign to clean up Athens , and was often to be seen — much to the irritation of the government — riding refuse lorries through the city in the early morning .
16 We all went often to the cinema ; it was the great escape , and we drew comfort from , and identified with , films which ennobled or sentimentalised our situation — films such as One of our Aircraft is Missing , The Way to the Stars , and Mrs Miniver .
17 Plant fossils are often to be found in particular beds , reflecting conditions of deposition that were just right for their preservation .
18 They were often to be found operating shops and farms .
19 Yet it is not unusual to find that many people make no distinction between even the physically and the mentally handicapped , often to the apparent detriment of the former who have more capable brains .
20 Her desires might be seen as figurative of more general feelings among postmodernist British authors , seeking inspiration and affection less often to be found within their own shores .
21 Towns had often to be sited in defensive , strategic positions not readily accessible to the railway .
22 Nevertheless , small rural stations have been closing throughout New Zealand , often to the accompaniment of vigorous opposition from New Zealand farmers .
23 Powerful and famous gentlemen became regular visitors to the house — including , I remember , figures such as Lord Daniels , Professor Maynard Keynes , and Mr H. G. Wells , the renowned author , as well as others who , because they came ‘ off the record ’ , I should not name here — and they and his lordship were often to be found locked in discussion for hours on end .
24 Rectal intercourse and fellatio are both common among homosexuals and diseases are therefore often to be found in the rectum and mouth .
25 This is because the drainage of the genital region in women is more often to groups of lymph glands in the pelvis , and their involvement is not likely to be obvious .
26 It has happened too often to me to be mere coincidence .
27 In the relaxed horse the nostrils , chin and lips will show no tension , often to the extent that the bottom lip will hang open .
28 Third , and perhaps most conspicuous , a great plume of gas and ash rises above the crater , rolling upwards in tight turbulent convolutions often to a height of several kilometres .
29 Sophie is often to be heard on BBC Radio .
30 He has achieved much fame as a chamber music player ( with the Coull String Quartet , for example ) and is often to be heard giving solo recitals on BBC Radio 3 .
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