Example sentences of "often do " in BNC.

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1 How often d' you get the chance to watch the mindlessly rich eat and drink themselves into a stupor on behalf of Ethiopia ? ’
2 To walk into a pub function room as I have often done during the ten years I was collecting fieldnotes and see two or three hundred detectives in their ‘ uniform ’ of modern suit and tie , neat haircut , and the fashionable moustache of the times , is to be visibly reminded that there is a narrow symbolic range of bodily correctness within which all policemen can properly operate .
3 One may choose to adopt a broadly aesthetic approach to texts , as is often done , perfectly appropriately , but one then encounters what seems to me a potentially disabling contradiction .
4 It is boring , often done in locations where it is difficult to avoid ‘ bosses ’ , it affords only a limited range of ‘ bluffs ’ or easing techniques , and is looked down upon by regular policemen and women , a view unintentionally reinforced by those sergeants who apologize to regulars when asking them at parade to do sanger duty .
5 Because of this fundamental difference it is difficult to know whether we can rely on information about contemporaries to tell us about prehistoric peoples in the way that is often done still today and was done universally in Marx 's and Engels 's time .
6 In such a system one can say ‘ my own ’ or ‘ my true father ’ and this is often done .
7 She had often done that in the early days of their marriage , and he had found it quite charming .
8 At the Hospedaje Lisboa where Dana stayed — ‘ Camas , Comidas ’ — I looked up at his window as I had so often done on those lonely days and nights he spent away from me .
9 Patting does not mean slapping the horse with the open hand to make as much noise as possible , which is often done to impress the onlookers ; the horse 's neck should be caressed fondly and delicately . ’
10 However , cropping decisions , the purchase of inputs and marketing are often done by men ( with important exceptions , for example in West Africa ) .
11 He can also make policy decisions and give effect to them , as , for instance , was often done when prosecutions were not brought for attempted suicide .
12 ‘ Why does n't her nephew send her the money for the fare ? ’ asked Mary , one of the Sprites , who had often done a good turn for Miss Miggs .
13 Success in education has come largely through a process of social indoctrination ; if the young person has been brought up in a supportive home which was valued education and encouraged the youngster to stick at the work in order to pass through the hoops which lead to higher education and the professional occupations , the young person has very often done well at school .
14 To my mind his strong points are his single note two-hand tapping ( which is often done with the side of the pick rather than with a right-hand finger — see Satch Boogie ) , his chordal tapping ( as in Midnight , The Forgotten Part 1 and Headless ) and his tremolo and legato work ( as in nearly everything ! ) .
15 I daresay you can put in a little more shock as well as grief — it is very interesting , and not often done enough … .
16 This work is often done by an old man of many years experience .
17 This is often done through an independent third party , such as a debt collecting agency , to ensure confidentiality .
18 In different ways , both pre- or nonfeminist linguists and feminists themselves have very often done just this .
19 Of course , this practice runs the risk of losing the bird , so it 's not often done .
20 She had promised to take me sailing , and Paula had let her borrow the boat for a few hours , as she had often done before .
21 The fact that , for Moore , the value of a thing follows necessarily from its intrinsic nature , from what it is like , makes it a little misleading to say , as is often done , that it is supposed to be always an open question whether something characterised in terms of its natural , or metaphysical , properties is good or not , and that this is his chief reason for regarding good as indefinable .
22 But that is explained , partly , by the fact that Mike did the negotiations himself and they were often done face to face with Jefferson .
23 Routine household chores like washing cleaning cooking sewing and mending were often done by women and girls employed as resident domestic servants .
24 If the great aristocracy was responsible for providing large contingents for the war ( and , in England , at least , it was they who , after the king , provided the largest ) the work of raising these soldiers was often done by men of local knowledge and influence who subcontracted with the royal captains to raise the troops required .
25 This is not to deny that the custodians of institutionalized religion have often done their best to censure what they perceive to be damaging scientific conclusions .
26 As it has often done in the modern period , the experience of war had given those who had taken part in it and survived it a new and more confident awareness of their own worth and standing .
27 Is it reasonable , in the absence of unanimity , to equate the will of the people with the will of the majority , as is so often done in everyday politics ?
28 Amongst nomadic and village groups the final shearing is often done by the weaver , but in workshops a specialist is normally employed .
29 BELOW Clearing the modern deposits from an archaeological site is often done using a machine , with an archaeologist keeping watch in case anything is uncovered by the machine .
30 RIGHT Reconstructions of finds are often done so that they can be better understood , studied and recorded , and also so that they are more meaningful when put on display .
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