Example sentences of "seen [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd never seen himself as old .
2 In the car he had seen himself in words on a page , a helpless being pinioned by letters , manipulated by a creative intelligence that seemed set upon punishment and pain rather than any grace or redemption .
3 The exhibition Ladislav wanted me to see and which he had not yet seen himself , was a series of documents and photographs relating to the events of 1968 , none of which had been made public before .
4 The touch judge is allowed to inform the referee of any act of foul play that the referee has or has not seen himself .
5 Howard , who was becoming a country gentleman with some town property ( as opposed to his father , who would have seen himself as a London merchant with a country house ) , set about enlarging and redecorating his ‘ country seat ’ .
6 He had seen himself as a man with everything to lose , opposed by the Sinn Feiners who had nothing to lose .
7 Indeed , he participates so actively that he is apparently involved in the stoning to death of Stephen , officially regarded as the first Christian martyr ( although Stephen would have seen himself , of course , as a pious Jew ) .
8 In Belfast , artist Jack Pakenham has always seen himself as fitting into a nebulous category of people in a no-mans-land , watching the activities of the city but unable to find a true affinity on either side of the often physically invisible diving line .
9 He was certainly a loyal royal servant but it is uncertain whether he would have seen himself ( or others of his generation ) as the harbinger of a new government in the north .
10 Beside him , against the wall , he had placed those things he had seen himself use in the dream — a blanket and his old porcelain water-bottle .
11 Why had he never seen himself so clearly , he wondered ?
12 Her husband 's gooseberry eyes shot in her direction , then looked at Greg , who lowered his noticing eyes to his knees and thus looked , if he could have seen himself , the picture of guilt .
13 Finally , the Polish General Staff has not only seen itself as an avid ‘ consumer ’ of Soviet military doctrine , but a contributor as well , which has authored its own innovations with Soviet endorsement .
14 And , finally , a party which had seen itself as being part of a process of international socialist revolution , linked with the Russian revolution of nineteen seventeen , becomes a party which is primarily a party of Chinese nationalism .
15 There are cases , however , where the military has seen itself as a force for modernization , particularly in societies perceived to be ruled by traditional elites , and where the military may become imbued with the norms of Western processes of industrialization to the extent that it seeks to impose them on society .
16 The archive has thus always seen itself in terms of historical rather than current social science research .
17 She is never entirely comfortable until she has surveyed those before her , put them mentally in their places and seen herself rise to the top in doing so .
18 And Mrs Friar had never seen herself naked since she was three years old , and even then it was an accident .
19 Although she could n't be seen herself , neither could she see the shed or , more importantly , the exact location of the sniper .
20 For a brief moment , she had seen herself raising the tiny silver gun and pulling the trigger , once and then again , the blood appearing like a diseased flower on Lewis 's soiled shirt .
21 Melanie would be a nymph crowned with daisies once again ; he saw her as once she had seen herself .
22 Having seen herself properly dressed again , she could not bear the thought of confronting him in the skimpy , shabby , ready-made clothes of wartime London .
23 Ianthe , who had been thinking in terms of daffodils and lemon barley water , had not seen herself being so practical .
24 Up until yesterday , when the whole thing had taken shape and he had whisked her away to Rocamar , she had simply been his confidante — at least , that was how she had seen herself , and she 'd assumed that was how he saw her too .
25 The problem for the Free Presbyterians is that the fraternal orders have always seen themselves as linking the broad Protestant religious tradition with the main unionist party , hence the common arrangement of Orange Lodges holding their annual church parades at each of the Church of Ireland , Presbyterian , and Methodist churches in turn .
26 Party members and SA men , who in 1933 had seen themselves as posing a radical , populist alternative to the conservative Reichswehr , now took a back seat and simply provided the setting for the triumphant reception of young officers of the Wehrmacht , heroes home on leave from the Front recounting tales of stirring deeds which had earned them the Ritterkreuz .
27 For Jenny , and most other women who have seen themselves as only ‘ victims ’ , first disclosures to other people — strangers like me — of the black torment they have kept grimly to themselves , makes them begin to recognise that they are actually ‘ survivors ’ .
28 Whereas the late nineteenth-century organizations had seen themselves as combating indiscipline , irreligion , immorality , and social neglect of their members , the Scout movement looked to encourage certain positive values necessary for national and imperial security .
29 Before this YWAM had seen themselves solely as a youth evangelistic organisation that was an outreach arm of existing churches .
30 Radical change by Government edict was not thought to be appropriate in England , where teachers had for long seen themselves as equal partners in the process of educational development and change .
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