Example sentences of "most [art] " in BNC.

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1 John , who is a full time shift worker , has been polishing off most the Peak 's F8a+ in good time , having also recently red-pointed Boat Boys , Chimes of Freedom as well as making the 6th ascent of Zeke the Freak ( F8b ) .
2 The tragedy of his death , even if foreseeable , obscured for most the suicide of the art .
3 She could virtually match the data bases of bodies like UCCA for up-to-the-minute information , and she saw earlier than most the new opportunities opening up in Europe for higher education students .
4 It is relieved that the most the Americans now want ( apart from money , naturally , of which the Koreans are putting up $220m ) is for Korea to take over more of the job of defending itself , thus freeing American troops and equipment based in Korea for duty in the Gulf .
5 For most the only alternative is a flight home paid for by the German government and a DM3,000 ‘ golden handshake ’ they 'll be forced to convert into dong ( at the artificial official rate ) on arrival .
6 Whereas the most the Prime Minister had ever conceded before polling day was a vague pledge to ‘ take stock ’ , Mr Lang , while stressing the need to preserve the Union at all costs , said : ‘ I 'm certainly not ruling out change …
7 Eleonora herself is the most the most concentrated depiction of evil in Leapor 's writings , an interesting point which unfortunately is missed by Donna Landry .
8 At the most the academics will be entitled to wear checked trousers instead of striped ones . ’
9 At most the bourgeoisie could embrace the ‘ hypocritical private cosmopolitanism of free trade ’ .
10 More than most the government will want the 1991 district council elections to be an almost nationwide referendum on its record in office .
11 To most the passion seemed oddly misplaced .
12 Young people with backpacks and habitual travellers may know what it means to go on a journey , but for most the romance of escape begins with deciding where to go on holiday and then getting there as quickly as possible .
13 The most the USA could do ( or offered ) was to pursue an open trade policy , provide access to its capital markets and reduce domestic inflation .
14 So we tried to look deeper , particularly for a way of applying our money where its unique lack of strings could help add most the eminent scientists on the Venture Research Advisory Council — the Chairman Sir James Menter , Sir Rex Richards , Sir Hans Kornberg and Professor John Cadogan — contributed their expertise to this slow painstaking process as did my colleagues in the Unit .
15 I was in awe of her , as were indeed most the kids around .
16 But for most the change will ring in new pleasures .
17 But matters were so arranged that for most the outlook was not completely bleak ; almost everyone could arrive eventually at a state of relative freedom from intimidation and enjoy a measure of authority over others .
18 In sizeable towns the volume of trade offered wider scope for specialisation , but even there the connexion with agriculture remained intimate : in most the victualling and food-processing trades formed one of the principal groupings , as in Leicester or York ; only if there was a manufacturing speciality would they take second place .
19 There was some consultation with Japanese leaders during the drafting of the constitution , but this was largely concerned with how to redefine the role of the Emperor and at most the consultation was with reluctant partners .
20 For Christine , a nursery school teacher living near Manchester , now that most the ‘ teething troubles ’ with Anna are over , there is only one sadness : that she did not bring back a second child .
21 Education can be a route to a narrow range of professions , but for most the prospects are poor .
22 The exceptions were those few developing countries where America feared most the possibilities of Soviet or Chinese expansion .
23 It covers about two thousand years of history , but most the miracles are clustered round a few persons and events :
24 She sat up slowly in the bed … and immediately amended her count to three glasses ; she had spilt most the contents of the fourth down the front of her muslin pyjamas and onto the lace coverlet .
25 I thought that Basil appreciated more than most the essential magic of the child 's experience of the world and the expression of this in art — not that he ever said this , but his own manner as a teacher always implied that this was a special , essentially elevated kind of activity — but one in which everyone had the capacity to join .
26 A caution should be added : most the arbitrary values of unc should preferably lie among the zeros of unc (
27 It is said that the most the justices should do if they think that contact should not take place is to say that there should be no order as to contact , leaving it to the local authority and the parent by agreement to make any other provisions they wish .
28 At most the tariff information will provide a range or bracket .
29 And if you also look the most the the the clearest change that 's happened on the outside of this building , if you look at that window , if you if you follow the edge of the window the original window came all the way down to this point , and then across and up , and this has been all blocked up .
30 The fitful progress that resulted was the most the overcrowded state of the narrow roadway allowed .
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