Example sentences of "when [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And she could still feel the moment when hope , as his face had bent towards her , had melted into an emotion much more like disappointment .
2 Finally , the Yugoslav government held up payment to the construction enterprises for several more months , and then paid them in dinars at the current rate of exchange , which was considerably worse than the rate applicable at the time when payment was originally due .
3 By December , when payment had been delayed using various excuses , Feigen began to get suspicious and sent letters directly to the museum .
4 ‘ It can not be said that the contract was cancelled by [ the petitioner ] when payment was not made by [ the first and second respondents ] on 23 May 1988 .
5 ( For example , the late 1920s and early 1930s were years when building construction was cheap , with a fall in commodity prices . )
6 All the major denominations made great strides between 1870 , when Board schools began supplementing the work done by older bodies to give elementary education to working people , and the end of the century , in creating a ministry with at least some higher education .
7 Alternatively , for short journeys , a piece of potato or apple is provided , but remember when sending animals abroad that there may be regulations governing the importation of vegetable matter .
8 At a time when change was almost synonymous with evil , or at least decline , this was indeed provocative .
9 In particular , it is worth examining earlier occasions when change was handled effectively and then explore how it was done and what skills and methods were used .
10 In considering drama 's place in topic work , we have to start by thinking how we might dramatise the topic ; and that means seeking out human dilemmas , looking for the moments of change in a situation , or the moments when change might be possible ; we 're looking for those moments when people make choices .
11 Sunderland stage their fifth BAGS meeting tomorrow , when admission will again be free .
12 He remembered the long black shadows he had seen when crossing over in the basket lift .
13 ‘ Accordingly , ’ he was saying , ‘ I grant bail for the sum of £500 against your appearance in this court tomorrow , when trial will duly commence . ’
14 But what sends me , ends me , is not when Prince is captivating , but when he 's captured , enslaved by desire , a thing , even .
15 That , paradoxically , is when Prince is truly God .
16 The ‘ First Gentleman of Europe ’ was a phrase used of George IV when Prince Regent .
17 Usually silent , except in spring , when drake has insistent ‘ speer , speer ’ and harsh ‘ quee-reek ’ , and duck a typical guttural diving-duck ‘ kurr ’ .
18 The poor rate was the largest direct tax paid by most rate payers at a time when income tax was levied only on incomes above £150 p.a. and was paid by all householders , many of them themselves poor .
19 Post-war immigration from the New Commonwealth developed through the 1950s and 1960s , at a time when income trends were shifting from increasing equality to increasing inequality .
20 In the days when income tax was raging at 83 per cent , he made all the preparations , " bar the rubber stamp " , to emigrate to America .
21 The response times , as measured at the central computer , show that there were no days in April when response times exceeded 2 seconds .
22 But much more serious to Mr Frohnmayer 's cause was his reluctance publicly to discredit his opponents by pointing out inaccuracies and misrepresentations in their charges ; to defend the endowment 's choices when defence was appropriate ( as in many cases it was ) ; and to mount a solid campaign on the agency 's behalf before the American people .
23 The armed forces were to receive 36.9 per cent of the total government budget of 285,000 million meticais , although this represented a smaller proportion of the total than in 1989 , when defence spending accounted for 42 per cent of the final budget figure of 225,000 million meticais .
24 No , it 's , the questions are , what questions do you need to know the answer to when finding if something was fairly traded ?
25 The result is that the predator catches more prey per unit time when feeding on single fish than when feeding on schools .
26 IN THESE days when money is scarce for most rugby clubs Morley earned themselves £1,500 on the toss of a coin over the weekend .
27 In these days when money is n't worth what it was , it may not seem especially profligate to blow a few hundred thousands on transport modelling , but it is worth thinking about how else the government could have invested the money .
28 The issue of planning is complex since it involves far more than merely accepting new structures and new forms of co-operation — for in effect it involves recognising a new dimension of financial commitment at a time when money is short .
29 By an effort of memory she could just recall a time when money had been plentiful , and her father — then strong and well — had spent it with a gay extravagance which had delighted her as a small child .
30 If anything , we were too extravagant in the late 1980s when money was rolling in — we took everything for granted .
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