Example sentences of "great [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Beyond , in the distance , a great ridge rose high , running from one side of the window to the other .
2 To east and west lie great ridge systems running north-south with the valley .
3 Such people can be a great trial and anxiety to their family and friends , but they suffer very badly and may need psychiatric help before recovery takes place .
4 ‘ It was n't a great trial to us and we did n't sit sobbing in a comer about it , ’ she says although other pupils remember Diana as a ‘ private and controlled ’ teenager who did not wear her emotions on her sleeve .
5 Lewis and Penney were robbed or at least stopped by some great goalkeeping from Martin Taylor .
6 In truth the work exhibits great variety , not only in the gestures and postures of the different figures , but in the composition of each subject , besides which it is very interesting to see the various costumes of those times and certain imitations and observations of Nature .
7 I think you need a great variety of experience to build your work and need to fail as well as succeed sometimes .
8 There can be great variety within some themes .
9 However despite the great variety of demi-caractère ballets staged since 1789 there appear to be only three main sources of gesture which contribute to a particular style for a particular ballet .
10 Was service as an airman in the Middle East and India is graphically described , as are a number of post war assignments of great variety covering a multitude of aircraft from Meteors and Javelins to rocket-assisted Valiants !
11 Detailed regulations for the construction of new buildings were laid down in a great variety of Acts and bye-laws .
12 An implication , of course , is not only that marriage and the family have taken a great variety of forms , but that when political and economic conditions change in the future they will continue to change .
13 It will be noted that a great variety of difficulty could be introduced here — both in the shape of the symbol and the standard of accuracy that is required in the answer .
14 Clearly a great variety of difficulty could be introduced into the tests .
15 The architect had sited the house on the slope of a hill commanding a great variety of scenery and had given each bedroom its own special view .
16 In these songs , the great variety of cries and moans are repeated over and over in ordered patterns built around a basic unit or syllable that is equivalent to a note in our music .
17 In the coinage of the early Roman empire , for example , nearly all coins had the emperor 's head on one side , but on the other a great variety of designs were used .
18 Among the great variety of trailers , an enclave of horse-drawn barrel-top wagons formed a circle , like covered wagons on the prairie awaiting Indian attack .
19 The resultant strain tends towards symmetry as the crystal grows , so that although snow crystals exhibit great variety of detail , little difficulty arises in their recognition .
20 Despite the restraints of symmetry in the growth of crystals , a great variety of materials , using different groups of atoms and molecules , become possible .
21 Széchenyi sponsored a great variety of projects , from the regulation of the Danube to the building of the Chain Bridge , and a general reform of the Hungarian economy .
22 Six years later the Catalogus Plantarum listed forty three roses and stressed the importance of growing them informally because ‘ being intermix't with flowering trees and shrubs in small wilderness quarters [ they ] afford the most agreeable prospect of any of the Flowering Trees and the great variety of Sorts do continue flowering at least three months .
23 a great variety of double roses now cultivated in English gardens .
24 This together with their long continuance in flower , has justly render 'd them the most valuable of all the sorts of flowering shrubs … the great Variety of different Sorts of Roses make a collection of Flowers , either for Basons or in the Garden , without any other additional mixture and their Scent , being the most inoffensive Sweet , is generally esteemed .
25 There is a great variety of watersports available nearby and a golf course 4 miles away for the more energetic amongst you .
26 The hotel also has a great variety of light meals/snacks and also has its own TV and video — so there 'll never be a dull moment !
27 Thin sections show a great variety of internal structures important in accurate identification .
28 In the Carboniferous a great variety of forms with highly zig-zag suture lines are a distinctive group of ammonoids usually known as goniatites .
29 The great variety of form of the hard parts surely shows that trilobites were adapted to a wide range of habitats and life styles .
30 It is probable that like the mammals the roots of the great variety of living birds are to be found in the Cretaceous , but fossils , which could document this , are only now slowly coming to light .
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