Example sentences of "always on " in BNC.

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1 It 's always on your mind
2 Things are always on your mind .
3 But acting and all that it means is very much a doing thing , so the emphasis is always on practical work .
4 Always brisk , always on the cheek .
5 We 're always on top of each other . ’
6 Just that panicky fear , always on the verge of turning into hatred until we shamefacedly choke it back ?
7 ‘ Ken Livingstone 's problem is that he is always on the television slagging the party off . ’
8 As the blower is engine-driven , boost is always on hand , so response is much faster than with a turbocharger .
9 It was strange not being able to communicate but someone who could speak English was always on hand to translate and often all I needed were those wonderful smiles and greetings from people .
10 He and Chris Grant , on The Thinker , jumped the last together , but it was always on the cards that McCourt would have the upper hand .
11 We just passed them out to crazy people and artistes and people who were always on the scene in New York .
12 They were a difficult band to manage because they were always on the brink of breaking up .
13 America is fated by politics and economics at home to find willing backers abroad for its plans ; it is doomed by continuing Soviet military might to have an eye always on Moscow .
14 All our bookshops continued to sell ‘ The Satanic Verses ’ and , with only a few exceptions where serious threats had been made , the book was always on display .
15 Anthony was always on the phone , rushing about like a bull in a china shop , or lying in bed till twelve with one or other of his girlfriends .
16 She had misunderstood the subtleties of their relationship and cast him as an ineffectual married man , always complaining of his wife , always on the chat-up , but never getting any further than that .
17 Harry , the Taurean just loves his food , Smudge ( Aries ) is always on the go , Pepper is an indecisive Libyan dog , and Toffee ( Cancer ) a home-loving , sensitive soul .
18 They 're certainly not over-fond of me , probably because my central heating is always on full blast in winter .
19 Friends and neighbours saw a conscientious and hard-working mother who never seemed to sit down , and was always on the go , and kept herself to herself .
20 One of the monks was a beer man , always on the beer , you know .
21 And it says that wherever we see a firing squad , we are always on the side of the man tied to the post .
22 She was always on the alert for a scene of frustration between husband and wife .
23 Eager Hollywood producers , always on the lookout for real-life dramas and entranced with the idea of revealing untold Soviet secrets , are funnelling hard currency their way .
24 While the splendid John Devereux improved his chances of being named in today 's Great Britain touring squad to Australia , with a fine display from his old rugby union position of centre , they were without too many of their creative players to open a hard-tackling defence which absorbed the pressure and were always on the lookout for the counter-attack .
25 Acer is a name in everyday use among those who loiter in garden centres and whose thoughts are always on making the garden at home a better place .
26 Thus the ‘ mantle of the expert ’ is always on the edge of society 's rituals , myths , emblems , traditions , rejoicings and catastrophes .
27 They are not always on the best of terms with the carters with whom they have to deal , and threats of actual violence do not tend to the increase of business .
28 This was a critical factory over the ensuing years , when a run on capital was always on the cards , especially in the slump period of the 20 's and 30's .
29 A vast number of frequent marginal improvements are more effective than one large single improvement as the momentum is maintained and realistic manageable change is always on the agenda .
30 ‘ It costs nothing , and it 's always on tap . ’
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