Example sentences of "always in " in BNC.

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1 The ultimate synthesis of a design was never revealed in a flash ; rather he approached it with infinite precautions , stalking it , as it were , now from one point of view , now from another , and always in fear lest a premature definition might deprive it of something of its total complexity .
2 One is always in a state of learning — if you stop learning it 's hopeless , I feel .
3 Always in the middle , he wrote .
4 This is why the worst risk of swinging and ground looping is always in calm or light wind conditions .
5 Roger , who was always in charge of the music , bad decided the party was ready for nostalgia — the 60s by the sound of it — someone , Maggie could n't remember who , was singing a song called ‘ Hats off to Larry ’ .
6 Moreover , as always in Dostoevsky , the search for suffering refuses to settle into coherent masochistic focus .
7 Razumikhin himself may or may not have come from the country , but he is certainly a member of the floating , unbelonging population of students and ex-students , and he records in simple puzzlement that Raskolnikov has been growing increasingly moody and suspicious and introverted ; ‘ he has no time for anything , people are always in his way , and yet he lies about and does nothing ’ — a confirming echo of Raskolnikov on his bed telling Nastasya the maid that he is working , by which he means thinking .
8 It was because Pound behaved always in the spirit of this remark that he could not fail to offend Englishmen of the type of Beerbohm and Bowra , and that he continues to offend their likes and their successors ( in all social classes ) at the present day , as , for instance , his confrere T.S .
9 Because Pound the critic seems to be always in his shirt-sleeves sparing a few distraught hours or minutes from the more serious business of writing poems or translating them , his criticism is dispersed , though there is much more of it than we are likely to remember .
10 Such garments , Mr Zhu insists , will recall this golden age of Chinese socialism when people ‘ worked hard and were always in high spirits ’ .
11 ‘ When I started I was always in a hurry , wanting to get it done , to get up there .
12 Always in English history bishops were chosen for national reasons and the diocese took second place .
13 From the start , his two definitions of culture , that of a class and that of the whole people , ‘ have to be kept distinct but always in relation ’ .
14 Always in the cinema , always wisecracking , often thrown out before the end of the film , but always back next time .
15 Shorn of its metaphysical sanction , law in the Renaissance was always in danger of losing its prescriptive power .
16 Rather subversion and containment are always in play , each an intrinsic dimension of social process and in a dynamic interrelationship which their binary conception misconstrues .
17 Conversely , those whom he is supposed to desire , and always in specified ways , namely women , he is discouraged from identifying with : that would equal effeminacy ; so in relation to them desire for precludes identification with .
18 Bernard Rhodes , for example , was always in the shop and he was always up for a chat I talked to him a lot and we struck up a rapport .
19 She was always in the shop .
20 She was always in Malcolm 's shadow .
21 He was the star writer on the NME then and always in the shop because he was a Keith Richards clone and our shop was the last one n the Kings Road before Granny Takes A Trip — where all the Keith Richards clones bought their clothes .
22 ‘ I 'm always in search of a bargain , sonny — for the people , you understand , ’ he added after yet another of those pauses that suggested it might have been an after-thought .
23 I see her in my mind 's eye always in a Fair Isle jersey .
24 Tropical forests are almost always in developing countries suffering from varying degrees of poverty and debt .
25 ‘ I did n't have the slightest desire to see the restitution of my father 's property , ’ he added in that 1968 interview , and ‘ I was always in favour of socialism in the sense of nationalisation of major means of production . ’
26 We got charge accounts at Max 's Kansas City , we got a charge account with a limousine service — we rode limousines instead of taxis because we did n't have to pay for limousines and we 'd have to pay the taxis — so we were always in limousines .
27 DeFries began to build his MainMan empire in New York and it became obvious it was n't always in support of what David was doing .
28 MainMan was always in debt and Tony had always gone out and found money to do projects , so it was fine .
29 Changed issues do not necessarily throw organizations into an anxious state of transition ; if they are any good , they are always in transition .
30 I also try to have one very hot salame always in stock — Ventracini and Murghetto are the usual choice .
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