Example sentences of "few day " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Thank you for all the help you gave to us and to Bob during the last few days of his illness — I only wish we 'd been put in touch with ACET sooner .
2 On 26 March 1991 he was returned to Safi Prison and in protest he began a hunger-strike which resulted in his falling into a coma , due to his illness , a few days later .
3 It is funny , wrote Harsnet ( typed Goldberg ) , how reluctant I was to say anything like that here in the first few days , how instinctively I felt it might endanger the entire project , how everything might collapse around me the moment I said that .
4 That it is n't that you 've got up on the wrong side or eaten something which did n't agree with you or just need a few days ' rest .
5 When fermentation has finished the ‘ green beer ’ is run into conditioning tanks for a few days .
6 After a few days the head will collapse and leave a brownish pancake .
7 The resultant paste is cask-conditions for a few days before bottling .
8 Henry Tyler had had an unexpected few days ' leave and had descended on his married sister and her husband in the small market town of Berebury in Calleshire without a great deal of warning .
9 I was diplomatically ill for a few days and then I returned to my normal work .
10 While we were all getting ready for work one morning , a few days after the above conversation , one of the other girls ( Martha ) transferred a fifty-pound note from her handbag to the pocket of her apron , which was at that point still hanging by the door with everyone else 's .
11 Somewhat naïvely , I had expected it all to be sorted out then and there , but the chap just took my name , gave me a form to fill in and told me to come back a few days later for a full interview .
12 For the next few days I was horribly inactive , gripped by a lethargy that I could not for the life of me understand .
13 My father did in fact sneak up to see me a few days later .
14 After a further few days I brought my suitcases up from London .
15 For a few days they should be given a cool , shaded position ; after that as much light as possible .
16 Most continue ripening in store until ready for the table , but a few varieties must be brought into the warm for a few days before they are ready to eat .
17 At this stage cut off the complete head and invert it in a paper bag , hanging these in an airy place for a few days until the seeds are quite dry .
18 If your symptoms persist for more than a few days , then contact your doctor for advice .
19 Call your doctor for advice if symptoms persist for more than a few days .
20 For most , the first few days were the worst .
21 It 's not unusual for many women to feel depressed a few days after giving birth .
22 The congregation usually watched him with a perverse relish which he mistook for devout attention , but this Sunday afternoon there was palpably an added curiosity to see how well he managed to live down the shaming comedy he had enacted on horseback a few days before .
23 Among orange mounds of dust and evil black pools the sawyers squatted , self-reliant Lowlanders who perched here like colonists and were tolerated because the sub-tenants and cottagers on the poorest land could get a few days felling trees when they were desperate .
24 Think of these last few days .
25 Our plan was to meet there in a few days ' time , once our researches in New York were concluded .
26 A few days later , after we had established ourselves in Montreal , we called him .
27 As she walked from the post office empty handed , she pretended to be an American tourist , one who could leave in a few days , one for whom the trip would soon be nothing more than a few travel stories and postcards .
28 Some Age Concern groups , social services departments and other organisations run a variety of hospital discharge schemes which can help people over the first few days or weeks after a stay in hospital .
29 The liquid is now officially called beer but it needs a few days further conditioning in the brewery , to purge some of the rough alcohols , before it is ready to leave for the pub .
30 The second is a slick operator , who studies his victim 's habits for a few days to establish a safe crime time .
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