Example sentences of "few [conj] " in BNC.

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1 All air travel to Iceland is through Keflavik airport , about fifty kilometres from Reykjavik , a beautiful modern terminal , and one of very few where duty free is available on arrival .
2 For another , his is one of the largest sheep farms in the area and one of the few where the ewes are lambed outdoors .
3 Its wharves were among the few where steam vessels outnumbered sailing ships at that time .
4 More generally , it seems that there are many cases where prenominal adjectives express occasion values , and not a few where a characteristic , in his sense , is expressed by a postnominal adjective .
5 If few or no defects are found , then at least you have the peace of mind in knowing your new home has been expertly checked .
6 The number of links needed to complete referral may be few or many ; the speed at which connections are made may be swift or protracted ; and the order may be sequential to concurrent .
7 There are a number of species which occur in this way and hence define communities in a rather trivial sense , since there are few or no associates .
8 In her private apartments the Empress dressed simply , usually in black , with few or no jewels , for contrary to public belief , she was not particularly fond of clothes and dressed up only when her role demanded it .
9 For example , much of the foregoing discussion was making the point that soil erosion was important to many small producers in steep-sloped and/or semi-arid areas and it may have seemed that these people were the only ones to cause and suffer from the effects of soil erosion ; also that there were few or no cases where successful adaptations and advances in agricultural technology had occurred .
10 Putting these together , it would mean that a life-saving service would not have by any means the highest priority if the lives saved were few or were ones of mere existence .
11 The sample was obtained by selecting one in five of the 42 per cent of people who left school in Scotland in 1977–8 with few or no qualifications ( i.e. without at least a grade O in the Scottish Certificate of Education ) .
12 Obviously , the introduction of exotic taxa and the establishment of trees where few or none existed previously will alter the landscape .
13 Cells close together in the cortex are likely to have a number of interconnections whereas cells farther apart may have few or none .
14 They actually range from small globular vessels to larger storage vessels , as found at Sutton Courtenay ; some have a few or numerous perforations in the walls of the vessel .
15 Few or no other routes were available and so it was a most logical decision to opt for the sporting escape .
16 Filter manufacturers ' recommendations are still based on tanks with few or no plants .
17 Those from an unskilled manual working class background left with few or no qualifications and emerged into manual jobs with a ‘ careerless ’ orientation .
18 The result is not death to the unsuccessful competitor but few or no offspring . ’
19 For example , red deer stags which hold a large harem in a sheltered site on one day may have few or no hinds the next day if the wind changes ( see Clutton-Brock et al . ,
20 But most of these approaches still see signifiers as expressing meanings directly , a few or even one at a time ; and therefore as being susceptible , despite their complications , to rational , more or less complete analyses .
21 A study of 79 London mothers aged 16–19 in late pregnancy confirmed that they are still usually of working class status with few or no qualifications and little chance of career-type employment .
22 In 1947 over half the mornings and one-third of the evenings were owned by companies with few or no other newspaper interests elsewhere .
23 That indeed is the nature of persuasive reasoning , but those who judge , be they few or many , must go beyond it to reason their way to a logically necessary conclusion .
24 Pay the money for the upkeep of each child , do n't give it to the individual workman who may have few or no children .
25 The findings of our survey can be summarised to produce the following picture of the typical ‘ officially known ’ Wirral heroin user : a young , unemployed , single person ( usually male ) , living with his or her family in a socially deprived area , with few or no educational qualifications .
26 This type of base tends to feel very firm as there are few or no springs .
27 There was no provision for richer districts to subsidize poorer , hence unions with large numbers of poor persons could not tap the resources of those with few or none — a source of increasing resentment among Guardians of some poorer unions .
28 ( Some people produce few or no alpha rhythms , even when completely relaxed . )
29 " Whenever men rule by virtue of their wealth , be they few or many , there you have oligarchy ; and where the poor rule , there you have democracy . "
30 In that year the editor is to be found wondering " whether the fate of " English Studies " will not eventually be smothered in a kind of woolly and impenetrable fog of wordiness that few or none will be bothered to penetrate " .
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