Example sentences of "where [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The retired group is much smaller in developing countries where about 55% are in the economically active age range and more than 40% are under 15 .
2 And where about was that now ?
3 Bone china tableware accounts for the greater part of output at the Wedgwood factory , where about one hundred designs are currently used in the production of this distinctively English ceramic ware .
4 For example , when he was invited to visit Bridgnorth ( Shropshire ) in early July , rival crowds made alternative bonfires , " where about one they drank Dr Sacheverell 's health and the other his confusion " , with the inevitable result that the two groups eventually fell to blows .
5 Hockey is a very low game and it 's all in the quads in your upper legs and I can move into the ball without slowing down , where as a bigger guy has to run in and stoop down ’ .
6 The new breed of Pub retailers are seeking new prime sites , where as a large managed operation , designed to a specifically targeted market with a minimum potential trade of £15,000 per week , the full advantage of creating an enhancement of site value is achieved .
7 While in an electric shock pulse travels through the whole wire or solid substance , the nerve impulse travels only along the service plasma membrane surrounding the fibre and where as the electric current passes at 300 million meters per second , the nerve impulse is very much slower .
8 His family was one generation removed from peasants , and in close touch with the small village of Beni Moor near Assiut in Upper Egypt , where as a boy Nasser spent his holidays .
9 He pulled up his roots a second time and moved to another new land , Germany , where during the twelve years that were left to him he accomplished a ‘ ballet miracle ’ , building not merely a repertory and a company in Stuttgart , but a whole new public attitude that affected other theatres throughout the country .
10 Everybody else remembers the uproar in what was known grandly as the palm Court , the former bar and dance hall where during the day several lessons were held simultaneously , including at least one assault on the piano .
11 Massive prison population expansion in recent years is by no means unique to the United States , but it would be difficult to find other examples where during the 1980s the annual rate of growth exceeded 11 per cent .
12 Besides the meetings at Mercereau 's and the Closerie , the painters began meeting regularly at Le Fauconnier 's studio in the rue Visconti as well , where during the closing months of the year they watched with interest the development through successive stages of his Abondance , a painting that all appear to have regarded as an important , revolutionary work .
13 Thus where during the trader 's unsolicited visit an offer is made which is accepted only later , the customer effectively has a longer cooling-off period .
14 ‘ This part of the country ’ , wrote Eliza , ‘ resembles for miles a succession of parks thickly dotted with tall slender trees of the Eucalypti kind and the ground covered with luxuriant verdure where during the past season not a blade of grass was to be seen the bones of many bullocks which died on their way from the upper Hunter to Maitland rill still remain by the roadside a momento [ sic ] of the excessive drought . ’
15 This initially meant that the bed-wetter would be made to sleep in the guard-room , where during the night he would be wakened hourly for toilet purposes .
16 There are some circumstances where for health and safety reasons alcohol can not be allowed at all .
17 Liveries have of course proliferated ; not since pre-1923 days have so many different colour schemes been seen , the only snag being that often two or more liveries are included in the same train where for example the PTE 's dedicated stock gets diverted .
18 I told him we were simply adapting the phrase from the social security regulations , where for years it has worked perfectly satisfactorily in deciding whether or not a worker should get benefit if he is laid off at another workplace from the one where a dispute is taking place .
19 Such a lightning-spattered ending is found , for example , in Passionate Summer ( 1958 ) , where for most of the film the schoolteacher on a Caribbean Island has been keeping at bay the emotions directed towards him by a troubled pupil , the headmaster 's wife and an air hostess .
20 But even more remarkable is the case of the Roman Republic , where for a century designs referring to the moneyers completely supplanted the symbols of the state ; the moneyers had the freedom to choose their own personal designs , such as family achievements or origins ( see fig. 15 ) .
21 The Gothic style Manor House is set in the midst of 120 acres ( 50 hectares ) of gardens and parkland ; it was built in 1804 to replace a previous Jacobean residence , and is at the centre of the 3,300 acres ( 1,335 hectares ) Bradwell Grove Estate , where for many centuries farming and forestry have been practised in a way typical of life in the Cotswolds .
22 One day in April 1943 Albert Hoffmann , a chemist who was working at Sandoz on the development of ergot alkaloids , felt unwell and went home early , where for some hours he experienced a variety of disordered visions .
23 The two tram routes departed from opposite sides of the central loading island in the Square , where for many years there was an ornamental drinking fountain and later a stone shelter and underground toilets .
24 His inability to rid himself of the woman is a recurrent theme , even though a psychoanalytic institute in the US ( where for some reason another analyst has written a book which presents the patient as a great therapeutic success ) actually sent him money regularly so that he could pay her off when she got too demanding .
25 But now the solar influence is beginning to turn around to contribute a further warming influence up to the year 2010 , boosting the greenhouse effect where for the past 30 years it has been counterbalancing it .
26 The move has been initiated in the US , where for some years customers have been removing the skin ( the fattiest part ) from the chicken before eating it .
27 The area of Washington I know best lies around Dupont Circle , its streets now ablaze with pink , purple and white azaleas , the pavement cafes now opening up , and where for the past two decades the left think tank , the Institute for Policy Studies , has been loc-ated .
28 Edwards ( 1979 , 16 ) , for example , characterises the situation as one where for most of the twentieth century management have met ‘ chronic resistance to their effort to compel production ’ and consequently ‘ have attempted to organize production in such a way as to minimise opportunities for resistance and even to alter workers ’ perceptions of the desirability of opposition ’ .
29 The new rules for taxing manufactured interest , payments made to compensate for the loss of interest , where for instance a security is ‘ sold cum interest ’ but acquired by the seller ex interest in order to meet the sale , took effect on 29 June 1992 and apply from 30 June 1992 .
30 I was pleased to renew friendships made over two years ago at the First Congress of Black Catholics , and it was a joy to be again in a crowd of African , Afro-Caribbean and Asian Catholics where for once I was not the only black face in a sea of white ones .
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