Example sentences of "why has " in BNC.

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1 The stress and strain on muscles and joints is considerable , but why has she not sent the doctor 's certificate as a matter of courtesy to the tournament authorities ?
2 Why has Class D not been more widely used ?
3 Having survived a financial crisis in the early 1980s , thanks to support from the banks and from a staff prepared to agree to a voluntary wage freeze , the paper is now making money and putting on readers , so why has the management now decided to modernise the title ?
4 You may ask me then : ‘ Why do n't we do just that ? why has there been this passionate search for some other method of preventing the fall in the value of money or controlling the fall in the value of money , if a cause and perhaps the major cause is undisputed , assessable and obvious ? ’
5 The question that such analysis then suggests is : why has Labour done so badly ?
6 But there is rich compensation in Barbara Jefford 's magnificent Volumnia : why has this superb actress been given only two roles by the RSC in 30 years ?
7 ‘ But on a point of handicapping , why has he been raised 4lb after finishing second in the Mackeson , while Desert Orchid has been dropped 2lb for finishing second to Long Engagement ? ’
8 Why has there not been more response ?
9 If the news is really not so bad , why has n't the government said so ?
10 Why has Mr Kohl spoken out now after keeping quiet ever since last year 's German unity treaty , which named Berlin as capital but left open where the government and parliament should be ?
11 Why has the row gone away ?
12 We sometimes ask about a person : ‘ Why has she chosen that course of action ?
13 Why has he thrown up that promising career in politics to become a vicar ? ’
14 That 's more like it , but why has he bypassed the usual channels ? ’
15 Why has language diversified from its ancient origins into more than 5,000 mutually unintelligible varieties ?
16 So why has the Cup failed to repeat the huge media and financial success it enjoyed in Fremantle , Western Australia , in the 1987 series ?
17 Why has it taken you so long ? ’
18 Why has n't Gildas been here lately , is it because he disapproves ? ’
19 If the sole intention of the Association were to secure civil rights for Ulster Catholics while accepting and loyally supporting the constitution of the Ulster state … why has it admitted to its counsels and membership , as it undoubtedly has , a number of men from an organisation pledged to the destruction of that state ?
20 If postmodernism does exist in Britain , how strongly and significantly does it exist , and why has it often been overlooked ?
21 How and why has British writing acquired its ‘ no experiments , please ’ reputation ?
22 So why has this critical theory had so little influence in the area of critical practice , why has there been no process of a filtering down of ideas from the ‘ high ground ’ of theory to the ‘ lower ground ’ of journalism , reviewing and the more quotidian criticism ?
23 So why has this critical theory had so little influence in the area of critical practice , why has there been no process of a filtering down of ideas from the ‘ high ground ’ of theory to the ‘ lower ground ’ of journalism , reviewing and the more quotidian criticism ?
24 If so , why has n't Tweed been arrested ? ’
25 Their ‘ Why has n't life improved then ’ sense of hopelessness points to Morrissey 's overbearing terror , and , for him , it never can .
26 Why has she turned down David Pickering ?
27 Why has Britain dragged its feet on the European directive under the Social Charter to prevent women being dismissed from jobs on the grounds of pregnancy ?
28 Why has each grown rapidly ?
29 Why has there been much unemployment in Glasgow and Clydeside during the last 50 years ?
30 Why has the piece of wood not been removed ? ’
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