Example sentences of "see [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( b ) Service and acknowledgment A writ or originating summons may be served on a firm in any of the following ways : ( 1 ) by service on any one or more of the partners ; or ( 2 ) by personal service at the principal place of business on the manager of the firm ; or ( 3 ) by post to the principal place of business ; ( 4 ) in such other manner as may be agreed between the parties ( see Kenneth Allison Ltd v A E Limehouse & Co [ 1991 ] 3WLR 672 ) .
2 Almost as if to test the political religious alliance of catholic nationalists in the South , the constitutional issue of divorce arose in 1986 as part of Dr Garret FitzGerald 's constitutional crusade ( see Cooney 1986 ) to make the Southern state more palatable to Northerners .
3 More dangerous , however , is the ease with which anti-racists ( who see racism as the prime enemy ) have largely fallen in behind this new religious definition of community , despite its damaging implications for the most vulnerable groups , particularly women .
4 The most practical way of examining the list is to tick off the items in each column that you expect definitely to apply and , where possible , to write down the expenditure involved in the adjacent box ( see Budget Planner , pages 120–25 ) .
5 • Local Expenditure — cost of food , drink , and entertainment will vary by country and holiday type ( see budget guides on page 49 ) .
6 The savings [ see budget headings below ] consisted of cuts worth some $14,000 million in projected spending on middle class entitlement programmes ( including Medicare and federal and military retirement programmes ) , and in farm subsidies , and a cut of over $3,000 million from the defence budget .
7 Such costs , budgeted so far at $15,000 million , were expected to be offset by pledges of $51,000 million from US allies [ for details of defence budget see budget headings below ] .
8 Federal spending on mass public transport was set to rise slightly , from $3,200 million a year to $3,300 million by 1996 , but the overall federal funding for projects in this sector was to be cut sharply [ see budget proposals above ] .
9 ‘ You see Mum and Dad do n't stop nagging me .
10 , see mum and dad on Saturday at .
11 Mum had got Benjy so I thought we 'll pop up , see mum , get the dog .
12 A thrilling squeal goes up from the mid-teen moshers who comprise a high proportion of the audience when they see Hetfield striding to the stage-front for the opening ‘ Enter Sandman ’ guitar in hand , after everyone had been resigned to the quaint prospect of their fave leonine frontman reduced to a vocals-only role due to his injured left hand .
13 So far from the Church being the possessor and dispenser of the Spirit , as Käsemann would have it with his astonishing reading of primitive Catholicism into Acts ( see Essays on New Testament Themes p.89ff ) , it is the Spirit who energises the evangelism of the Church and drives its often unwilling members into the task for which God laid his hand on them ; mission .
14 See Romaine 1989 : 66 – 9 for a discussion of these possible " long-term effects of language contact and bilingualism " .
15 Within this " quantitative paradigm " ( see Romaine 1982 ) , it is assumed that variability is inherent in language and " variable rules " give the best account of the frequency with which one or other variant is used within a particular group .
16 ‘ People see Romania and Albania in the media all the time now but Poland has been suffering for a long time and people are still very much in need of our help , ’ she said .
17 May I come round tomorrow and see Will ? ’
18 You go and see Will then before we think about ordering it then
19 Own Goal ( see g-o-a-a-a-l ) , Ogling ( see thighs ) , Owning Up ( see cheating , innocent looks , sex ban and jewellers ) , Opera ( see Domingo and kissing ) , Oscar ( see innocent looks ) .
20 Italy 's brilliant goalkeeper and captain in the 1982 tournament ( see g-o-a-a-a-l ) .
21 Once champion , he relinquished his name believing it to be a relic of slavery and announced his allegiance to the Nation of Islam , the segregationist sect popularly known as the ‘ Black Muslims ’ ( see Lincoln , 1961 ; Essien-Udom , 1962 ) .
22 Similarly , it is often the case that knowledge-flows between the users and the producers of an innovation are particularly rich , and , consequently , if particular users interact with several suppliers , then these suppliers are bound to share an enormous amount of common information even in the absence of spillovers between them ( see von Hippel , 1988 ) .
23 Further , the firms involved in such trading outperformed their non-trading rivals , something that would be unlikely to occur if spillovers were common ( see von Hippel , 1988 ; Carter , 1989 ; and Schrader , 1991 ) .
24 All pilot proposals will be evaluated as to the contribution they will make to the Development Programme and , in the case of colleges without a Validation Procedures Agreement ( for details of this see UPDATE 1 ) , proposals will be considered by Scrutiny Panels set up by SCOTVEC .
25 A meeting for College Registrars has already been held ( see Update No. 2 ) .
26 Since these observations were received , SCOTVEC and CNAA have agreed that joint Validation Events may be held ( see Update No. 2 ) and it is hoped that this will avoid problems of this kind arising .
27 Sporting endeavours have been a major feature of the activities undertaken so far ( see Update ) .
28 If the draftsman wishes to restrict the identity of the persons whom the tenant may authorise to use the road ( eg staff but not customers ) this must be done expressly ( see Woodhouse & Co Ltd v Kirkland ( Derby ) Ltd [ 1970 ] 2 All ER 587 ) .
29 A willingness to accept greater liability under a contract in return for payment of a higher price may make it more likely that an exclusion or limitation of liability will satisfy the test of reasonableness ( Woodman v Photo Trade Processing Ltd ( 1981 ) , unreported ; see Lawson , Exclusion Clauses p174 ) ; however , the fact that the client has a second set of terms of business , containing less restrictive terms , may be taken as recognition that the more stringent terms are unreasonable .
30 See Sister .
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