Example sentences of "made an " in BNC.

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1 It should be seen for what it was , and especially by those who feel like regretting its erasure , and alleging that its replacement has made an environment which may be even worse — of tower blocks filled with heroin and despair .
2 The Marquis of Queensberry may be judged , in this context , to have made an involuntary and uncharacteristic joke in accusing Wilde of ‘ posing as a somdomite ’ : a phrase that smells of the multiple self , and of the uncertainty of interpretation — and indeed spelling ( Ackroyd , as it happens , interprets him as something other than a sodomite ) .
3 Be made an exit worthy of Noel Coward .
4 MB GROUP , the heating , bathroom products and security printing group which also has packaging interests , has made an agreed £337.6m bid for Caradon , the Twyfords and Everest building products company .
5 Waddle has made an excellent start to his new career in France , where he is the major single investment in Marseille 's campaign for domestic and European success .
6 First to profit from this trend are Bradford 's Dudley Hill , who , with five members of the English Students World Cup squad in their side , have made an explosive start in the BNFL national league , leading the first division with six wins from six matches at an average of almost 40 points per game .
7 In Damascus , a Syrian official said the plane had made an emergency landing because of mechanical problems .
8 Later he studied with Herbert Sumsion , and was made an Associate of the Royal College of Organists in 1957 when he was awarded the Limpus and Read prizes .
9 I look as if I 've made an about-turn but in terms of simple logistics it 's getting itself out of all proportion . ’
10 Here , the judge found that the wife had made an exceptional contribution to the wealth generated during their relationship .
11 Mr Crick has sent a full account of his involvement to Lt Col William Feder who has made an appeal for information to anyone concerned with the mission .
12 Thus was made an archbishop who did more than any Archbishop of Canterbury since Stephen Langton of Magna Carta to make the Church more free in its relation to the State .
13 When we signed them , they had already made an EP by themselves .
14 She knew it so clearly that three weeks ago she had made an appointment to take her breast lump to a doctor .
15 Finniston 's own skills have certainly made an enormous contribution to the industrial growth of Britain .
16 He had been promised that once he had obtained his colliery manager 's certificate , he would be made an assistant manager .
17 Ford has made an attempt to plug the gap left by the XR3i in its time-honoured fashion of producing an interim S-specification Escort .
18 How would you establish at all reliably if a magistrate , politician , inspector , or teacher had made an error ?
19 He had been made an object of fun and a target for abuse .
20 The Department had underestimated their speaker , and in so doing had made an embarrassing mistake .
21 Mr Michael Rowley , finance director , said the group had foreseen the problems and had made an effort to increase income from interest , which came in at £64,000 as against a charge of £78,000 at the halfway stage last year .
22 No New Zealand player has made an impression on this tour comparable with the impact made by many individuals in 1980 .
23 Brighton 's reserve striker Martin Lambert has joined Wycombe Wanderers for £15,000 , and the GM Vauxhall Conference club 's manager Jim Kelman has also made an offer for Aldershot 's unsettled midfielder Glen Burvill .
24 Stan Mortensen , Blackpool 's hat-trick scorer in the 1953 FA Cup final win over Bolton , is to be made an honorary freeman of the town .
25 They recalled that in 1958 Quakers had made an unsuccessful attempt to interrupt atmospheric testing of H-bombs at Bikini atoll in the Pacific .
26 He had arrived , pale and markedly short of sleep , at seven-fifty and at eight-thirty had rung Penelope Huntley 's flat to find her barely awake , bad-tempered , vague and professing not to have made an appointment at all .
27 They make ideal starters as a warm dish always makes your guests feel that you have made an effort , yet they are very quick and easy to prepare .
28 If he has used it to swell his bank balance , it will be presumed that , in drawing on that balance , he has drawn out his own money before touching trust money ; if he has made an investment with trust money — even an investment which is itself a breach of trust — that investment is still trust property , to which the trustees ’ creditors have no claim .
29 That would have made an impression at a literary party , but the old trout just replied , ‘ Silly boy , I do n't think you 've been listening to a word I said ! ’
30 It did not stop her knowing that she had made an idiot of herself and upset Harriet Shakespeare , who had enough trouble without that .
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