Example sentences of "made [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 We may , indeed we have not , always made ourselves popular in arguing for reform of humanitarian aid system but it has certainly been effective and we are never , but never , ignored .
2 Nevertheless it is an utterance of the Amis who has made himself known on other occasions , and it can be none the worse for being read by those who are able and disposed to pay intelligent attention to this range of information — which is not to imply that the information may not be disastrously misunderstood .
3 Yesterday 's meat and vegetables had been high — soft and sweet with badness — he had made himself swallow it and then in the night the shite had poured out of him until he was too weak to stand .
4 In any case , by strengthening his position abroad , Rank had made himself unassailable at home .
5 He looked at her carefully to see he had made himself clear , then resumed his search through the file .
6 The very latest Cairo tittle-tattle is that President Hosni Mubarak ( who has a reputation for honesty ) has made himself rich by taking a cut from every barrel of oil exported .
7 But now Mr Gorbachev has made himself the unpalatable alternative .
8 Nigel had once made himself unpopular at the office by writing in his column that women past thirty should shoot themselves .
9 He had made himself prime ministerial : adopting double-breasted suits and gold-rimmed spectacles , shortening his sentences and restraining his instinctive jerks of the head .
10 To travel out to foreign countries without having first made himself acquainted with what remarkable things there are to be found at home , he held neither for wisdom or usefulness .
11 He had made himself an internal picture of me and now only examined it against my external appearance ’ .
12 He has made himself appear a poodle of the executive . ‘
13 Whereas , even if nothing goes wrong at the weekend , Mr Smith will have made himself miserable for days in advance .
14 In this way by not acceding to anger and resentment , he has made himself into a better son .
15 Ronnie returned to his native Midlands to become senior coach at Wolves in March 1965 , have completed exactly 100 League games for us and having made himself a popular fellow here at Selhurst Park .
16 The staff listed consists only of the chancellor , one of the greatest of the royal officers , whose wages were five shillings a day , the master of the writing-office , who originally had tenpence a day , but Robert de Sigillo had made himself so indispensable that he had risen into the two shilling class , and the chaplain in charge of the chapel and relics .
17 When she returned from the kitchen he had made himself comfortable on the sofa .
18 With Hartie mortally wounded by the vengeful NZRU council , Kirwan has now made himself available and the newly appointed backs coach Earle Kirton has been heard suggesting that ‘ King John ’ might be assigned a new role at centre , a position he is successfully filling for his second division Italian club Thiene who are coaches by another Kiwi , John Boe .
19 However , the great Wallaby no.8 , Tim Gavin , after missing the World Cup — and being sorely missed there — has recovered and made himself available for selection .
20 Benjamin was clearly an ambitious and careful man , neither dissolute nor spendthrift , and was probably very conservative in every way ; he had made himself respectable in Victorian terms , generating enough of a cash surplus by a lifetime of hard work and good fortune to build up that stock of 3 per cent Bank Annuities and accumulate a healthy balance with the London Provident Savings Bank .
21 Whitlock , who has been at the centre of the storm , has not made himself available to take part .
22 Joe smiled tolerantly at the man who had made himself his friend .
23 He has made himself so by resolving never to make the same mistake twice .
24 Better , even , than he had made himself .
25 He turned to the entries he had made himself .
26 The same desire to articulate theology as something of beauty and of joy in the light of the God who has made himself known to us in Jesus Christ runs through all thirteen volumes , and makes them a unique achievement .
27 Jaq daydreamed about a subsequent year when Baal Firenze had first made himself known .
28 To cope with the aftershock , Mr Perez has made himself unpopular by bringing in painful economic reforms .
29 In fact , Joshua 's retirement to the safety of his estate had freed Dowd to wander until the old man 's demise , when he was drawn back to offer his services to Joshua 's son Nathaniel , only revealing his true nature once he 'd made himself indispensable , for fear he was trapped between his bounden duty and the zeal of a Christian .
30 When Faraway Moses , who was once Count St Sylvain and a Black Rider , is captured and imprisoned , Jasper the Terrible , who has made himself responsible for the boy in his own household , offers to release the man who has become like a father to Dick if he will reveal the names of the other Confederates .
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