Example sentences of "see the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When I see the Giotto frescoes at Padua I do not trouble to recognise which scene in the life of Christ I have before me , but I perceive instantly the sentiment which radiates from it and which is instinct in the composition in every line and color .
2 Some see the conflict as having been crystallised by Proust , who wrote an attack on the critic Sainte-Beuve in 1908 ( though it was not published until 1954 ) .
3 Both novels see the world in colonial colours — as determined by empires , in the furtherance of which races have defeated and enslaved each other , in which they have met and married , in which a black mercenary might marry a daughter of Venice .
4 Naw , if I find 't is a good day , I resalve to take a turn in the Park , and see the fine women ; so huddle on my clothes , and get dressed by one .
5 It may even be possible to obtain approval from opposing groups for a set of moral maxims such as peace , justice , and freedom — see the lists of values in McKernan 's ( 1980 ) research , for which he found a high level of acceptance among both Northern Ireland communities .
7 We see the allocation of the scarce resource of our last terrestrial channel as a matter worth serious discussion , and seek in it an answer to the perceived shortcomings of the existing Channels .
8 The only real clue to spotting them is that every homestead has electricity and if you see the buildings , you must find the wires going to them before making an approach .
9 For example , as the stick is moved forwards a little , the eyes see the nose of the glider moving down , and the brain expects the sensation and understands what is happening .
10 See the local telephone book for the address and telephone of the nearest branch .
11 I could join a circus and see the world ! ’
12 Menzies started to answer but Cameron put his hand on his arm , shook his head slightly , and said to Byers , ‘ I see the trouble .
13 Will you go to Moness and see the Logans and sound them out about hiding ?
14 We see the struggle asserting itself in the preface to his poem ‘ The Glass Dog ’ ( Flowers for Hitler ) :
15 To put the point another way : proponents of the mental-sentence view — being functionalists — typically see the meaning of mental sentences ( or mental ‘ states ’ ) in terms of their causal role vis-à-vis other such sentences .
16 In the house example , we can choose the order in which we see the parts of the building but we surely can not see occluded portions , and we surely can not look up to see a thatched roof — because that 's the kind of roof we want to see — when the roof is tiled .
17 First , we have evidence from Renée Baillargeon ( see the Bremner volume referred to above ) that babies as young as three or four months are able to ‘ represent ’ , in some sense , the continuing existence of an invisible object behind a screen because they show ‘ surprise ’ when this out-of-sight object does not resist the backwards movement of the screen .
18 ( See the discussions of these developments elsewhere in this book , particularly Chapters 4 and 7 . )
19 The additional shine will make the nameplate that much easier for your grandchildren to recognise when they see the piece on Antiques Roadshow in a hundred years or so !
20 I see the whole chapter as a subtle but misconceived footnote to Crime and Punishment ; in these pages , instead of brushing past Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov in his return upon the underground man , Dostoevsky has allowed himself to be obstructed by them , and the result is a Stavrogin who compounds Raskolnikov 's bracing himself to enter the police station ‘ as a man ’ and confess with Svidrigailov 's reaching out in all directions , including the far extremes of moral and physical debauchery , in the hope that something , it does n't matter what , will make him unbored .
21 Poets and novelists see the situation differently , and so , indeed , do many students , who tend to want something different from what their ablest teachers wish to give them .
22 With deregulation of Australia 's domestic air system from next year foreshadowing greater competition , both the pilots and the airlines see the dispute as a final show of strength .
23 It has not always been easy for those working class voters who see the Greens as an undisciplined bunch , inimical to the interests of industrial society , to keep up with the SPD 's enthusiastic appetite for environmental matters .
24 ‘ The pleasure comes later , when you elevate yourself to the status of a student and a teacher — that 's how I see the job . ’
25 Within the next few months — and long before the next election — they will have to settle these questions or see the spectre of the Winter of Discontent raised to haunt them by gleeful Conservative politicians .
26 For a taste of the verses see the paragraph ( left ) from Elizabeth Hands : a servant has published a poem on the biblical story of the rape of Tamar , and here imagines the conversation in the drawing room about it .
27 It saddens me that , while most annual reports say ‘ … we will do our utmost to preserve our most important asset : the skills contained in our workforce ’ , when I visit the workplace I see the tell-tale signs of accidents in the making — blocked exits , unguarded machines , untrained work people .
28 If different people see the process differently , never mind .
29 The Pearl has been making strenuous efforts to change its business direction , but the Australians clearly see the possibilities offered by the British group 's large distribution network to market its own products .
30 I see The Galleries as a focal point , a powerful force aiding the city , a proper part of the centre designed to enhance its life and character . ’
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