Example sentences of "see in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I see in painters prose writers and poets .
2 I ca n't for the life of me understand what it is you see in it .
3 This leaflet is available from your local Health Education Unit see in telephone book under Health Authority or in cases of difficulty from :
4 My own taste for formal furniture tends to fall between the ‘ Arts and Crafts ’ and ‘ Modern ’ , rather than ‘ Repro ’ , and yet looking at modern designs you see in exhibitions , I doubt their ‘ long-sit ’ comfort and , personally , I feel that the limits of acceptable elegance are frequently passed by many , in the cause of being different .
5 The grammar schools once provided the necessary culture of learning , as well as specific instruction , for students from under privileged homes , as we see in Judith Grossman 's Her Own Terms , or Anthony Burgess 's autobiographical recollection of reading English at Manchester University in the late thirties ( some twenty years before I started teaching there myself ) .
6 The see of Durham was the fourth senior see in the Church .
7 The movement from the initial grandly imperative wish for a creative act , reviving an older myth , to the final mundane narrative of the beginning of another , much less magnificent revival of potential creativity promised by ‘ sal volatile/ And a glass of brandy neat ’ is a movement away from a first situation ( that of Ariadne on Naxos ) which we never see in itself ; the painting conjured up and the other parallels to this first situation are interpretations not just of each other , but also of that first situation which , because a ‘ myth ’ and so subject to constant reinterpretation , may never have happened in any of the ways presented , if indeed it ever took place at all .
8 Tony and I contemplate the likelihood that on this Scandinavian plane we will have one of those stewardesses you see in the adverts — — all blonde hair and curves .
9 Consequently the car you see in the photograph is powered by one of the neatest engines around — a five -valve per cylinder V12 with no fewer than four turbochargers to make up for its relatively small , 3.5-litre capacity .
10 Perhaps the most significant figures in the survey are those indicating the characteristics that men and women see in drivers of the opposite sex .
11 The warmth and obvious pleasure of everyone I meet and see in the Cynon Valley that day is humbling and exhilirating .
12 None of the European resorts has yet gone in for the wholesale investment in snow-making which we see in the United States , mainly because the capital outlay is enormous and the running costs extremely high .
13 Until recently some of its predictions were at odds with what astronomers see in the sky .
14 They see in it a threat to the right of each country to protect viridian quirks : quaint old farming practices , bottle-recycling schemes that depend on local breweries or milkmen .
15 ‘ Such belief as I have — I see in those symbols . ’
16 ‘ Honest , Jin , ’ she called , ‘ I ca n't think what you see in that great lummock .
17 ‘ Not like you see in the films . ’
18 I do n't know what I see in you .
19 Although horses only see in black and white , which is really varying forms of grey like in black and white photographs , they are much more conscious of colour than we would expect .
20 None of the young women you see in the photographs in this book is a model , and none had cultivated and practised the professional gaze we are used to seeing stare from the pages of a magazine .
21 Floundering excitedly among the real salmon , he had not noticed the water bailiff , who observed , ‘ Bedad , your honour , you 're the finest fish I ever see in this ladder this long time . ’
22 I dare not ask directly what is the precise matter but I see in Mr Browning 's eyes an anxiety deeper than usual and he confessed to me the other day that he fears there may be water on the lung .
23 ‘ Though I 'm sometimes so conscious of lack of technique , it 's also quite exciting to find a way of expressing what you see in a person in lines .
24 A new creature [ in Christ ] is the most excellent frame in all the world , therefore it groweth up by degrees ; we see in nature , that a mighty oak riseth of an acorn . ’
25 By the Carboniferous many of the shapes we see in living gastropods can be matched in the fossils , but despite these similarities the majority of the Palaeozoic forms were not closely related to their living analogues ; this is another example of similar-looking forms evolving independently probably in response to similar life habits .
26 Whenever I 've enthused to practitioners about the advantages of LM 's they 've always expressed confusion about the procedures involved and in particular the complications that they see in using teaspoons , tablespoons and glasses .
27 They 're not true at all , you know , those absurd laboratories you see in popular films .
28 More a portrait like you see in photographers ’ windows ; reclining on a divan or something — only she would be asleep . ’
29 are not able to specify how the reminder treatment produces its effect but they are quite at liberty to use the unexplained phenomenon to make their central point — that the deficit in performance see in the subjects given pre-exposure stems from a failure of retrieval rather than a failure of initial acquisition .
30 So he was young ; but his body was n't smooth and gold , pure hard gold , which is what the woman says about the body that you see in that scene of the film .
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