Example sentences of "us always " in BNC.

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1 She will remain a happy memory with us always .
2 We live in the knowledge that ‘ the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ , and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit ’ are indeed with us always .
3 That suburban boys like us always know where it 's at ? ’
4 Teachers have that special task of sharing God 's name with children , of teaching others to be festive , to celebrate their love for one another , and the mystery of God 's love for us always .
5 And may God 's strength and guidance be with us always .
6 THE air around us always contains a certain amount of moisture — a lot on a humid summer 's day , less on a clear winter one .
7 But he is now being exposed for what some of us always warned that he was .
8 ‘ Thy hands remain with us always , Primarch .
9 It is difficult to resist the conclusion — which Foucault actually denies — that the techniques of discipline and surveillance , of individuation , and the strategies of power-knowledge that subject us , leave us always trapped .
10 She would be with us always , and I would n't have to say a word to her grandchildren because she would say them all .
11 Yet let us always beware of jumping to conclusions , of assuming too readily that those experienced parliamentary draftsmen did not know their business and , perhaps above all , of attributing legislative intention too readily simply because we think that we , the judges , had we been the legislators , would have found such an intention sensible or morally or politically desirable .
12 When people ask us a question some of us always tell the truth and some of us always tell the opposite .
13 When people ask us a question some of us always tell the truth and some of us always tell the opposite .
14 It could just be that and of course it would be very naive to assume that evolution had adapted us always to be happy with everything .
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