Example sentences of "where an " in BNC.

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1 Smoke alarms need to be close to where a fire is most likely to break out , but also in a position where an alarm can be heard throughout your home especially when you 're asleep .
2 We recently did a simple experiment which happens to illustrate how children 's knowledge of where an object is determines their behaviour .
3 As for running lines , the axe fell principally on two categories of ‘ freight only ’ railway : through lines where an adequate diversionary route existed ; and branch lines which carried only small quantities of wagonload traffic .
4 Since the introduction of the business sectors of BR , Railfreight has not been slow to totally eliminate certain freight-only routes where an alternative existed , albeit , invariably longer .
5 GENERAL TIPS A general rule for pub rock patrons is that the quality of music will be in inverse proportion to the quality of the beer ( except at Finsbury Park 's Sir George Robey where an excellent music policy comes complete with a decent pint of Guinness ) .
6 The figure would be even higher , she adds , if the guidelines included children who live in a home where an adult has been convicted of a sexual offence with children .
7 Interestingly , a 12-hour day is regularly being practised in those countries where an afternoon siesta is taken , and also by those watch-keepers on merchant ships where the shift pattern of the officers is often 4 hours work followed by 8 hours leisure and sleep , the combination being undertaken twice each 24 hours .
8 Two fire appliances , lights flashing , wait to one side , their hoses snaking away into the darkness where an explosion has broken all the street lighting .
9 The officer 's mess is a simple operation outside the prison gates where an appointed officer prepares meals for his colleagues .
10 Just last summer he was visiting Fort Perbrook , in Portsmouth , built in Napoleonic times , where an excellent youth-training scheme was being run and he was to address a seminar .
11 The problem arises in connection with section 99 which adapts or applies the provisions to cases where an individual rather than the local authority wishes to make the complaint .
12 He said the bill would end the situation where an employer had to dismiss either all the strikers or none at all .
13 But it is not the first case where an Australasian entrepreneur , hailed as a hero when things are going well , has found himself brought to earth with an ignominious bump when the going gets tough .
14 The most serious incidental catch is in the coastal net fisheries around Sri Lanka , where an unknown number , probably in the thousands , are drowned each year .
15 Each case has to be considered on its merits where an ambiguous answer emerges from the stable isotope data .
16 One of her best loved characters was Dick May , the pious , but innately conservative , doctor of ‘ Stoneborough ’ , where an epidemic strikes , causing many deaths .
17 There are powerful arguments in favour of saying that there are other killings where an intent to kill can not be established , and yet where the moral or social culpability is equal to that in most intentional killings .
18 The latter offence is an inchoate offence of a familiar kind : possession with intent , in circumstances where an innocent reason for possessing explosives is fairly hard to come by ( unless the defendant is engaged in quarrying or another business in which explosives are used ) .
19 If this were a list of localities where an industrial plant unleashed disaster on the folks next door , that would be bad enough .
20 The shaikh Abdulrahman bu Riziq represented the rejectionist horn : he lived in the desert where an Italian policeman had been murdered , and took sardonic comfort from the reminder .
21 Labour would relax laws on secondary action — but only where an employer transferred work from a plant in dispute to another .
22 Short has taken the example of the Soviet chess school , where an uncompromising will to win takes precedence .
23 EASTER holidaymakers heading out of London were delayed when the M1 was closed for more than two hours last night because of a suspect van on the hard shoulder two miles from where an IRA bomb exploded last week .
24 Jesuit missionaries had also taken it to Rome , from where an Apothecary named Robert Talbot had obtained medicine to cure Charles II of ague .
25 In cases where an acute prescription is required I give the new remedy in LM1 .
26 In a case where an employer referred to a secretary using racist language , this was not a ‘ detriment ’ for this purpose .
27 It is instructive to compare these accounts with another proposed project ( FAO/UNDP ) reported by Velloso ( 1981 ) in Honduras where an effective linkage between the community and Honduran entrepreneurs for the proper exploitation and industrialisation of forests was hoped for .
28 He must not be asked to perform tasks in any area where an error might jeopardize the success of our forthcoming conference . ’
29 Several laboratories and clinics were involved , in Salt Lake City , in Portland , Oregon , and in Chicago , where an independent study of another nitrogen mustard gave results like those found in Yale .
30 If Aisgill is the destination the track is followed down below the bridge alongside the gorge to arrive at Hellgill Farm , from where an access road goes down to the B6259 at Aisgill Moor Cottages , passing the fine waterfall of Hellgill Force .
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