Example sentences of "must get " in BNC.

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1 and I felt the side of it and it 's just warm and I thought oh he , he must getting
2 We must get a doctor .
3 ‘ Forgive me , Dorothy , I must get back to my office . ’
4 But whatever happens , you must get into a good position for the start of the base leg .
5 But you must get the final stages of every approach within the range of the airbrakes so that you have some control to prevent either under or overshooting .
6 ‘ We must get on the road at once , ’ said Cameron , still diplomatic , while Menzies longed for a hot drink .
7 If your dog shows a marked degree of aggression with which you can not cope , you must get it to someone who understands the breed and can help .
8 First of all , I must get to a bus stop that serves Heathrow , which means heading towards Kensington and the Bayswater Road .
9 He spoke a message which the country has heard before — that taxation is too heavy , that unemployment ( 1½ million ) is too high , that we spend far too much on armaments and must get disarmament in Europe , that we must stick to Free Trade …
10 The Prime Minister said that he had the resignation of his Cabinet in his pocket , but the King replied that he trusted there was no question of the Prime Minister 's resignation : the leaders of the three Parties must get together and come to some arrangement .
11 ‘ You must get what you want .
12 In particular the reader of Marx 's works must get the feeling that he gradually became aware of the overly Eurocentric character of the earlier schemas he had espoused in such works as The German Ideology .
13 In order to feel comfortable we must get the balance right .
14 I really must get on with other things . ’
15 The Foreign Office Minister , Mr William Waldegrave , said : ‘ The message we must get across is that those in the security services , those working for the state , should recognise that a day of reckoning will come for them as it has come for the East Germans and others . ’
16 But evidently he is n't , and I must get him back . ’
17 ‘ Darling , I must get on .
18 One persistent idea has been that the two main moderate right-wing parties , the Rassemblement pour la République and the Union pour la Démocratie Française , must get together if they are to have any chance of regaining power .
19 It is because the State has recognized this fact that the law has insisted that , for a legal life and personality , these groups and societies must get the authority of the State , and submit to its conditions .
20 I am not saying to the politician , ‘ You must get your act together . ’
21 I suppose you must get a thrill out of it , but if you really knew anything you 'd go to the police . ’
22 I suppose you must get a thrill out of it … stop imagining things about me .
23 I learned afterwards that Mrs McLaren was in the habit of getting up and going to bed so early that night was confused with day ; and having an idea that she must get a message to the man who did her garden , she had gone out before it was light , lost her way , and fallen into the brook , where she was found by a man walking to work .
24 He must get himself asked for He said he did n't know anyone .
25 These women must get used to all sorts and conditions of men .
26 This can find expression in ‘ I must get him to make a will before he dies ’ — a basic desire to get things sorted out — and may extend to attempts to resolve family quarrels , an anxiety that the sun should not in this case go down fur ever on wrath .
27 They must get very discouraged .
28 Well , I must get back to work .
29 They work as if they must get rich by the evening and die the next day .
30 She must get back to The Tamarisks .
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