Example sentences of "through long " in BNC.

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1 But older generations of chefs learned to cook through long apprenticeships of five to nine years .
2 Its place is at least equally with The Diary of an Edwardian Lady , or even , since through long months the lovers are at opposite ends of Italy , with E.M .
3 Undaunted , Ingrid took on the jobs , and through long , exhausting , financially unrewarding slog , completed them .
4 The chairman of the committee , Mr Hugh Rossi , was concerned about the Government 's alternative plans to pump the sewage into the sea through long pipelines without treating the bacteria .
5 But these are exceptions , and usually , through long cohabitation , women in a single family develop a certain understanding .
6 The inquiries of Crown agents had revealed that some of the royal forests , such as Morfe , had become valueless as hunting-grounds through long neglect .
7 But the secret he 's learnt through long experience is the nature of light — from the air it 's very different .
8 When he had said these things they all replied that they prayed God to preserve him through long and happy years , and four of the most honourable among them rose and kissed his hands , and the Cid bade them take their seats again .
9 They found the gentlemen in the club in white tie and tails all smoking through long cigarette holders , as was the fashion .
10 I have known for many years , through long observation , that truth IS stranger than fiction .
11 My purpose was to see if I could write a novel with only two characters , preserving the unities of time , place and action ( it all happens in one day in John 's London flat ) , without any cheating through long flashbacks or such devices .
12 If the body 's vitality is low , or if its reactive powers have been suppressed through long exposure to steroid drugs , homoeopathic remedies are often ineffective .
13 But , wading through long grass and nettles in country churchyards , they found nothing .
14 ‘ I have discovered through long experience , Miss Honey , that the ears of small boys are stuck very firmly to their heads . ’
15 The third was connected with a new awareness of history , of the fact that human societies and institutions have developed through long centuries and have taken on many different shapes at different times and in different places — an awareness which was especially sharply focused by the work of Gotthold Lessing .
16 Its most common approach through long centuries had been a kind of two-pronged one .
17 The bedrooms are reached through long open corridors of marble .
18 But , though it may have perfected the art of crisis management through long necessity , it will have to face some additional strains in the next few years .
19 The convoy , led by a police car and two police motorcycles , made its way through Long Island City , across the Queensboro Bridge into Manhattan then down First Avenue to the United Nations Plaza , the hotel where the Zimbalan delegation would stay for the duration of their three-day visit to New York .
20 After about four hours , I heard the familiar squeaks a bit further downstream , and in a while , they appeared , travelling through long grass , the female carrying one kit while another three followed closely .
21 Until he reached five degrees he had found that it turned easily , through long use … but now it became stiff and awkward .
22 A common lizard struggled through long grass .
23 It is not so much thinking and reason that spring to mind as involvement , a sense of intimacy and harmony with the materials at hand , developed through long experience and commitment .
24 Light came from prisms hung in the roof ; great cut slabs of crystal reflected light from the outside walls through long , empty light corridors and then down into the tumultuous kitchens .
25 Claudia woke up slowly , opening her eyes and closing them immediately against the light that poured in through long narrow windows .
26 Namely this … ’ he paused , regarding her through long , thick lashes ‘ … if I had agreed to your proposal to pay off your debt to me in instalments , how long do you reckon it would have taken you ? ’
27 Good communications ca n't be made through long and rigid chains of command .
28 Go searching through long lists of file names to find what you 're after .
29 Indeed , as Whips we must sometimes sit through long and tedious debates
30 Baldric , well informed through long dealings in Flanders , said drily , ‘ You would be surprised what he could do with those ships .
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