Example sentences of "still come " in BNC.

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1 One might suggest then that the ‘ major project ’ Holdaway recognized was missing from the college inventory is still to come !
2 For many housebuilders their day of reckoning in profit terms is still to come . ’
3 The maximum speed restriction is surprising considering that ZR-rated 255/60x16 Avon Turbospeed tyres are already standard equipment ; it is possible that the company wants to leave space for higher-performance versions still to come .
4 The aftershocks of the European row tell us that the big tremors are still to come Economics .
5 This week has not seen the end of the row about Europe in the Conservative party , but merely a regrouping of forces for the battle still to come .
6 Mr Mike Bennett , chairman of the Metropolitan branch of the Police Federation , said last night : ‘ I just hope that the honourable thing is done in relation to the 18 other officers who are still to come before the magistrate on January 25 . ’
7 The total was 418 , and there was better still to come from England .
8 His hardest and most dangerous bouts are still to come .
9 We 've seen some facets of her , but the real woman is still to come .
10 Still to come is the awful Ghost Dad , basically another attempt to get Bill Cosby 's TV act to work on the big screen ( Bill plays a workaholic dad who , once dead , gets to spend more time with his family ) .
11 There are other pains still to come , for none can hide himself in a secret place where the deeds he has done will not search him out .
12 And ordinary soldiers , writing to relatives from the Front in April 1940 , spoke naïvely of their belief that ‘ as long as we have the front soldier Adolf Hitler , there will be only loyalty , bravery , and justice for his people ’ , and that ‘ the most beautiful day in the life of our Führer has still to come ’ , the day on which ‘ all peoples have recovered their freedom , peace , and equality ’ .
13 If this was a wasted hole , the bonus was still to come .
14 Yet the high tide of nationalism was still to come , from two World Wars and the colonial revolution .
15 Much of the fun of postmodernism may be still to come .
16 There was better recognition still to come , adding professional achievement to a period of happiness in his private life .
17 Sadly , for Hughie Gallacher , the man with the magic feet , the man with the greatest goal scoring ratio that ever played for Scotland , the worst was still to come .
18 So far , however , the policy has still to come to anything .
19 In one case , which has still to come to trial , it is not clear which hat the salesman was wearing when he made his deals : his own or the life company 's .
20 It was September when we flew in , so there was n't all that dramatic a change in temperature — that was still to come !
21 In some alternate , barely credible dimension , this almost inexplicable first shot in the Great Columbus Wars ( Gerard Depardieu and Jim Dale still to come ) must have seemed a really good idea .
22 It 's hard to imagine there will be anything more brilliantly conceived and more compellingly presented , unless there 's something still to come , which will then have to be the book of the decade .
23 So far , last month 's Hennessy Gold Cup runner-up boasts a very creditable nine victories from 17 races , but the sternest tests are still to come .
24 They give a clear picture of the identity of Christ , show the radical all-or-nothing nature of commitment to him , describe the life of discipleship as a corporate not individualistic activity , spell out the cost involved , and show how our present experience relates to the Kingdom of God , which is both present and yet still to come .
25 Already the muster was a week late ; and there were not a few contingents still to come in , including the Regent 's own .
26 Many believe that there is a final Buddha still to come , who will be the Buddha of Love , as Gautama was the Buddha of enlightenment and wisdom .
27 Other roles and relationships are ongoing , or still to come , such as becoming a grandparent or great-grandparent .
28 ‘ The hard part is still to come and I know I wo n't be given any big money to strengthen the squad , even if we stay at the top .
29 We then consider some of the current and future implications of past changes and of those still to come , both for individuals who survive into what is commonly called old age and for the wider society of which they are a part .
30 In 1880 , some of its greatest successes in diffusing its institutions and ideas were still to come .
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