Example sentences of "over large " in BNC.

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1 Mastery of the skies over large parts of Germany had already passed to the allies in 1942 , and heavy raids , chiefly by the Royal Air Force , had been carried out on cities mainly in northern and north-western Germany ( Hamburg , Lübeck , Rostock , Cologne , Essen , Bremen , and others ) .
2 In addition , diesels generally require less maintenance than petrol engines and can retain impressive emission levels over large mileages .
3 Fish and other organisms have been successively destroyed over large areas of the creek , and surviving fish have become chronically diseased .
4 Lichens were wiped out over large areas owing to sulphur dioxide emissions .
5 It became extinct over large areas of North-West Scotland , including Lewis and Skye , between 4300 — 3900 B.P. ( see Birks , 1977 ; Bennett , 1984 ) .
6 Usually the physical data on soil loss has to be combined with a fairly detailed knowledge of land-use and its history , if the man-made contribution to erosion is to be reliably estimated over large areas ( outside carefully laid-out experimental plots in research stations ) .
7 ( Gardner 1981 : 2 ) General problems of the use and misuse of the universal soil loss equation are discussed by Wischmeier ( 1976 ) and Stocking ( 1978a ) ; these contribute to the difficulty and extrapolation particularly over large areas implied by the scale of the FAO map .
8 Conservation areas can be spread over large chunks of historic towns or just one street .
9 Basalts , because of their low viscosity , tend to form low , thin flows which spread out over large areas , and are rarely more than thirty metres thick .
10 D. With modern machinery and techniques of building we are capable of making vast changes in a landscape within a very short time and some of these changes may affect the lives of people over large areas or in many different parts of the UK .
11 But against this theory it has been argued that over large parts of the zebra 's range , insects are not a major problem , so without further analysis the idea is once again inconclusive .
12 The roadsides yesterday from Farnham to Winchester were spectacular over large stretches by Holybourne , Alton , and towards the Winchester bypass , and in many places between , with great drifts of snow-white flowers of Myrobalan plum .
13 They can not therefore meet the needs of cities that are searching for a method to restrain traffic over large areas .
14 When unzipped the generous fabric panels flare open making it easy to put the trousers on even over large boots — an important consideration .
15 The immediacy of this direct working is exhilarating and the Oilbars are responsible to a variety of ways of handling and touch ; my chosen canvas allowed me to apply Oilbars smoothly and evenly over large areas .
16 The signatories could congratulate themselves in not forgetting important details in their concern over large aims .
17 In fact , newspaper editors sometimes do not even exercise control over large sections of their newspapers .
18 Once across this obstacle a fine , airy scramble over large boulders , fatigue now forgotten , led to the nicely pointed summit at about 5800m and a dramatic outlook .
19 The pressure to safeguard by more than diplomatic or economic means external sources of supply , territories for emigration and markets for Japanese goods , coincided with growing nationalism and army influence from the late 1920s , crystallizing in efforts to secure control over large parts of East and Southeast Asia and build an autarkic economic sphere .
20 By the mid-1920s the disunity which had plagued China since the 191 1 revolution showed some prospect of ending as the Nationalist party , the Guomindang , consolidated its control over large areas of the country .
21 They must set up costly systems of command and control that can work effectively over large distances and deal with the hazards of markets that differ from their own , Managers must feel that the gains will outweigh the costs .
22 Until relatively recently , the British benefited greatly from lordship over large numbers of people in many different countries , most of whom were black .
23 Over large tracts of the country , especially in the west and the north , and to a considerable extent in the south-east also , the pattern of field and and hedgerow , hamlet and farm , road and lane , had established itself pretty much as we know it .
24 Over large stretches of northern England not one acre in a hundred had been shaped by the Georgian planners .
25 The heathland birds have disappeared over large areas , and become rarer altogether .
26 Drought — Spain is the only major European country where over large areas rainfall is less than fifteen inches a year — precluded such changes on the secano .
27 Within the context of current agricultural policies there are sound economic and social reasons for abandoning farming altogether over large areas of the uplands and using the land for other purposes which would both be profitable and create employment .
28 In addition a sky wave is reflected back to earth over large distances .
29 It has its own special atmosphere , and , moreover , it is not easily spread over large areas without stagnation .
30 If there were originally regional differences in surface composition then these have now been lost because of the widespread scattering of impact ejecta and because of any other processes that can transport material over large distances .
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