Example sentences of "down like " in BNC.

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1 Stewart 's eyes were alight and he was drinking the claret down like water .
2 ‘ They fired every house and they ran the men down like deer .
3 ‘ Take off your nightshirt and come down like a man ! ’ — a catcall from the body of the crowd .
4 More flakes sifted down like meal , sifted and sifted , drifting in at the embrasure and lying on the flagstones , unmelting .
5 It was most unusual to see Taff down like this and as I gave him my condolences I was thinking that the sadness was beginning to reach almost everyone .
6 We sat with our backs against the trig point and gazed down like Gods on the coastal plain of Thassos .
7 And there was a third T-shirt , which featured a black bloke clutching a basketball , with his 12-inch , semi-erect dick hanging down like a Nigerian salami .
8 After they had gone a complete silence that only reflected itself settled down like lead and was broken only by the sound of Moran removing his boots to go to bed early .
9 They look like some sort of animal , bouncing up and down like that .
10 Madeleine said she did n't mind , but you could see his lordship was going down like a dose of castor oil .
11 He also scared the daylights out of us when he said : ‘ If you put down anything I do n't like , I 'll hunt you down like a shit-house rat ’ .
12 The pudding went down like a dream , in blessed silence , and Christopher and Francis disappeared to brew coffee .
13 She had the unusual skill of being able to pull the end down like a tapir when she was angry .
14 ‘ You always leave your hair hanging down like a hippy too , ’ he continued .
15 Gloria poured her a spoonful from each bottle every day and said that 's why she was tough as old boots , because she always swallowed it down like a good girl .
16 So long as someone knows you 're down there and comes to dig you out , then a basement 's always best , even if the rest goes down like a pack of cards . ’
17 I took the hot , spicy drink and it went down like a stream of molten lava .
18 ‘ Oh , do stop bobbing up and down like a yo-yo , ’ she said .
19 Tammuz was still looking him up and down like a roving automatic eye .
20 His wife lay there so limp , so insubstantial , her black hair hanging down like the tail of a whipped animal and one white hand clutching his sleeve as though it were her only hold on life .
21 ‘ Sometimes they are even hunted down like animals .
22 Could we not be told that after Wellesley 's magnificent Arabian charger , Diomed , left him by a brother officer killed in a squalid duel , was piked at Assaye he insisted he should be nursed back to fitness and not put down like the other wounded horses ?
23 Despite this inconclusive beginning , the evening soon livened up as guests swooped down like scenic railway trains on the trays of grilled prawns and champagne .
24 Ingram looked doubtfully at the long table , rocking up and down like a lugger in a gale .
25 Shadows ran down like rivers from the airy uplands , filling the depths with a gathering chill .
26 It sloped down like the side of Sgurr Dearg , he thought to himself , and grinned .
27 Normally following that kind of response the ramp idea would go down like a lead balloon .
28 Morrissey and Marr looked down like father figures .
29 And if we do n't have kids we are either trying to have them or wondering why we 're not having them ( maybe we have n't settled down like all our friends : is something wrong with us ? ) .
30 Sometimes you get signs and portents which the quacks ca n't fathom , but which go down like markers for middle-age .
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