Example sentences of "down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You may smile , but does freedom of the press mean freedom to choose its own standards ? … down , as I would have been obliged to do had it not been burned down during the state of emergency which followed independence .
2 I do n't know how many breweries or pubs were knocked down during the redevelopment of Docklands .
3 Our first encounter with ‘ The way through the Fish ’ , a modern classic of the Marmalada South Face in the Italian Dolomites had ended with us well beaten and rather incomprehendingly abseiling down during a perfect alpine evening .
4 In daytime sleep , such an effect is not present and night-workers can vouch for the broken sleep produced by the more rapid filling of the bladder after lying down during the daytime .
5 The fighting , which had died down during the night , flared again as dawn came , and US Cobra gunships began to fly over Panama City .
6 It is held by Moslems to contain all the essentials of their belief , and to be a collection of passages of direct revelation uttered by Mohammed ( although not all written down during his lifetime ) .
7 Titles which are identified as possible purchases need to be noted down during the course of the stock revision .
8 The City party had left Coventry on the two o'clock train , which was cheaper than the earlier ones but allowed no room for delay — and the engine broke down during the journey .
9 The alluvial soil on which the city stood was frozen all year round but thawed a few feet down during the summer .
10 In fact , when the spire was blown down during a gale , early in 1925 , it was not replaced .
11 To make the needle fit the groove , the disc contained abrasive material , so the tip would be ground down during the first two or three revolutions .
12 The trained person applies them in ways that are laid down during training .
13 Linden Joseph , the lithe Guyanese who spent a disappointing season with Hampshire in 1990 , might well have won Test selection as well but injury , consistently his nemesis , struck him down during the A series .
14 A glacier stone in the churchyard is also mentioned in the Domesday Book and is believed to have come down during the Ice Age .
15 The estate and the businesses in Bradford have been allowed to run down during the last few years , while my father was not well .
16 It seems that official confirmation may not have been forthcoming , for the German O.K.W. records noted only a single Hurricane shot down during this day , while Müncheberg 's claim was apparently classed as a ‘ probable ’ , although it remained on his personal list of successes .
17 Another Bf109 was claimed shot down during this particular raid by Flt.Lt .
18 IN Tetris on the NES , if you keep select held down during play , you 'll knock up a high score of 10,000 points every time a block lands .
19 Hoeing , the traditional way to keep weeds down during the summer , is very effective for beds and borders and among vegetables , provided you do it frequently and do not let perennial weeds form a good root system .
20 These ghastly memorials were frequently laid down during the lifetime of the persons they were intended to commemorate , in order that they might constantly be reminded that they were but mortal .
21 I feel I could play , but if I broke down during the game I would be letting down the team and myself .
22 His knee problems began three weeks ago , but came to a head on Wednesday when he was forced to pull out of a friendly for Juventus against Second Division side Spal , after he broke down during the warm-up .
23 It was the first time she had sat down during the lesson .
24 Further , he suggested that the principle of the exemption of the civilian population from being an intentional object of warfare had been so whittled down during the Second World War and in post-1945 treaties as to cease to offer reliable guidance except in the most unambiguous circumstances .
25 Take the tent down during the day to minimise ultra-violet exposure from the sun .
26 Mike Hall , the new Cardiff captain , takes the Bridgend cover on the outside to touch down during the 15–5 quarter-final win during the recent Worthington Welsh Sevens at Cardiff Arms Park .
27 A bout of feeding early in the morning is followed by a lie down during which they chew the cud .
28 After being shot down during the Battle of Britain , Stienhilper became a PoW and after a short period in a British camp was transferred to Canada .
29 Seen here almost on the point of touch down during the Norseman Celebration weekend at Howey Bay , Beech 3NM Expeditor C–GEHX is operated into Red Lake frequently by Minto Airways of Edmonton , Alberta .
30 As cricket activity wound down during the first two years of the war the Otago CA was finding Crawford to be an expensive acquisition , with only £103 in the Coach 's Fund and £169 being paid out for a six-month period .
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